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"Your turn," Harry called as he stepped out of the shower, steam billowing towards the ceiling.

Under the bathroom fluorescents, he was all shimmering water droplets and vast expanses of sun-kissed skin, his hair darkened and dripping over his shoulders. He had a fluffy white towel wrapped around him, showcasing a slip of smooth thighs, and Louis had to deliberately look away before he did something stupid, like fall to his knees in front of him just to leave kisses and bites all over his shower-warm skin.

"Thanks, love." Louis kissed him on the cheek as he passed, couldn't keep his lips to himself but he managed not to jump him, so that had to count for something.

Twenty minutes ago, Louis had been brushing his teeth while Harry stripped out of his performance clothes before hopping in the shower. Louis watched him undress in the mirror and brushed his teeth harder when he felt flush under the color of his t-shirt. Harry was still a little shy about being naked around Louis, so he averted his eyes politely and tried to focus on the foaming toothpaste in his mouth.

"Why don't you go relax in bed? I won't be too long."

"You're a sweetheart," Harry grinned, boldly trailing his eyes over his body as he removed his olive green henley, the one Harry picked out for him when they went thrifting in Seattle before the show.

Louis blew him a kiss and stepped into the shower, forcing the curtain shut. He had to lean against the cold tile wall and close his eyes for a moment. Harry would be the death of him.

They were in Colorado, still touring, and still learning each other and their relationship. He was definitely still in the stage where every little look and touch from Harry made Louis' nerves light up like a Christmas tree, tingling with pleasure. Louis knew it was cheesy, but when they kissed, it was like that night in New Mexico, staring up at the night sky and feeling the immensity of the universe, seeing all those stars shimmer and shake. That warmth, that momentousness, he felt it every time they kissed. And they kissed a lot.

The band was staying in a bed and breakfast tonight, a big lodge-style house in the mountains, and they had splurged on two rooms. Before the four of them split up for the night, Liam and Niall teased them relentlessly and also begged not to hear any details tomorrow morning. Tonight was the first night he and Harry would have an entire room to themselves, completely alone, and, well. There were certain activities they were quite excited about, and only half-heartedly trying to hide it.

With steady hands, Louis washed his hair and enjoyed the perfect water pressure against his skin. Van life was idyllic in so many ways, but the lack of plumbing would always be an annoyance. What he loved about it, though, was that living on the road made even the most basic amenities seem like the greatest luxuries.

For example, the queen-sized bed with fresh sheets and a soft quilt waiting for him after his shower. The bed—and his boyfriend on top of it.

God, Louis was feeling lightheaded just at the thought of what was to come. He reached a hand down and squeezed the base of his cock, and vaguely considered jacking off but decided against it. He and Harry had debated showering together, but it didn't seem like the best idea to have their first time in a slippery, cramped space. Louis wanted to give his boyfriend something better than that, wanted to give him the comforts of the bed and the sheets and the ability to cuddle and nap afterwards.

Also, Harry had mentioned something about never having experienced good shower sex. Something always went wrong: the water washed the lube away, or the lube spilled on the floor and made it too slippery to stand on, or he tried to give a blowjob and ended up nearly drowning in the process. All throughout their friendship, Harry only vaguely alluded to his bedroom activities with other men, so Louis was surprised to hear this, and immediately latched on to the challenge.

you are half of me (and I am all for you) - larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now