Chapter 11.

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"Other friends? Who are you talking about?" Bendy asks.

I smile, "Oh trust me, if you were a Decepticon OR Autobot, you wouldn't want to fight them. You'd rather have them as allies than enemies."

"Again, who?" He repeats.

I sighed, "I can't say as it's a surprise. But you're not gonna like this part, I have to go alone. Mainly because they don't play nice with others unless they're their own kind."

I held up the gems and looked to the holes above my collarbone, holding them close to each of the holes.

"Whoa whoa, you're not going alone." Springtrap said firmly.

"Hey, I'll come back for you guys either way. If they accept, they'll come with me. If they don't and attack me, I'll haul ass back here. I'll be fine." I place a gem into each hole.

"And what are we supposed to do?" Bendy asked.

"Train with Captain America or Black Widow, clean up your fighting styles. We're gonna need all the help we can get." I placed the final gem into the center hole.

Blue squabbled and nudged me, I pet her head.

"I'll be back, I promise." I nuzzle my nose on hers.

Stepping away from them, I turned around and sighed. Walking a few feet away from them, I began to think. Taking a sigh, a portal opened as I had hoped for. It was an orange yellow, no turning back now. I turn and give one last look at my friends, giving a nod before I walked into the portal. My eyes were shut tightly as I felt the breeze blowing into my face.

*     *     *     *

Sarah entered the swirling portal, her eyes closed as she did so. The background then changed to the familiar area from one of the worlds in the void, the ground and surroundings made of silver metal. She wasn't human anymore. Anything human about her had become simplified Cybertronian armor.

The two ears that previously partially protruded from her head were now out and dangling low, her armor was now completed and her fingerless hand had reformed completely. Her face had become sheen gold faceplates, she opened her eyes and they were a beautiful blue much like an Autobots optic.

*   *   *   *

I look around at the crash site, noticing it was slightly smaller than I had thought. I tilted my head.

"Did this place get smaller or did I get bigger?" I look down at myself.

I had completed my transformation! I'm now Springlock! Only a more complex version of her, or as complex as this world gets. Which is about intermediate. Now THIS is amazing, I'm my persona come to life. Alright, I'm not here to fangirl about becoming a full on Predacon. I'm here to hopefully gain a friend and ally. I could not hear anything symbolizing moving, so I look up towards the cliff.

With the help of my wings, I glided up to where the King glared at his enemies below him, landing quietly. Looking out in front of me, I could see nothing but remains of the Predacons as far as the eye could see. The sight of it made my heart break. An incredible species wiped out by radiation from a passing star or moon, making them go insane and turning on each other. I think one of the few who managed to survive by going into stasis, he being revived by Shockwave.

I looked out among the remains, hoping to see him. And that I did, the large mech walked among the remains as he stroked them with his large claws. I slid down the small slope into the graveyard, trying not to disturb the remains. He did not hear me as he continued to walk among the Predacon bones. I sighed silently and made my way through the remains, trying very hard to not step on any of them. Don't need to alert him to my presence just yet.

Dodging the bones was like walking through a minefield, so many of them and not knowing where to step. My tail was even harder to keep from hitting the remains as it moved almost on its own, maybe a tail wasn't the best idea? Eh, I'll learn to use it. I was getting closer and closer to the large brown and orange mech, completely oblivious that I was here.

Then I accidentally stepped on some of the remains, a loud cracking sound followed. The Predacon whipped his head in my direction, a menacing snarl coming from him. I froze, my optics widening as he faced me. His yellow optics glared at me as I was still.

"Who are you, and why do you violate my refuge?" He asks me seriously.

"I do not intend to trespass as a means of territory-" I started.

"Spare me the excuses, Autobot. I warned you all fairly to never trespass here again, you have violated that warning." Predaking came my way fast.

I was fairly intimidated by his massive size as he got closer to me. I fell backwards onto the ground as he was standing right in front of me, he had to be at LEAST twice my size. My bunny ears drooped as I was actually rather scared. Predaking looked down at me, squinting his golden optics. I believe he noticed the Predacon symbol upon my armor, because his optics widened as he stood up.

"You are one of my kind...My sincerest apologies." He then offered me his large clawed hand.

I was hesitant at first, his hand was massive compared to mine. But I worked up the courage and placed my hand in his, his large claws closing around it and assisting me to my new Predacon feet. I felt my bunny ears perk up as I was back on my feet, I looked up into his optics.

"Thank you." I thank him.

"What is your name, little one?" He asks.

"Springlock." I said.

"I am Predaking, king of the Predacons. I was not aware that my creator had revived a Predacon such as yourself." He let go of my hand.

"He didn't-" The words came out faster than I could stop them.

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