Chapter 38.

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I hope that the Autobots had heard my message, because we could really use the backup right about now! Megatron continued his barrage of attacks on me while Optimus and Bumblebee were trying to bust the door to this room open, I just wish I had a sword or something of that nature! The next thing I knew, my feet had been swept out from under me and the strange axe/sword was at my neck.

"Any last words?" Megatron growled.

I looked around. My parents were screaming at me to get up, to get up and rip his spark out. The Autobots reverted their attention to me as well, then I could hear something coming from the other side of the door that leads out. I know that sound anywhere, it's Predacon fire breath! They got my message! Thank goodness. I look back to Megatron as the door was then began to glow a bright orange.

"I hope you can take the heat." I say.

The door was then struck down as the Autobots quickly dodged it, Predaking came charging into the room in beast form. He swung his long tail into Megatron and sent him flying into the wall, a loud clang echoed. The mighty dragon transformed into his bipedal form and offered his clawed hand, which I gladly accepted as he helped me to my feet.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad you got the message." I looked towards the Decepticon.

"As am I, my Queen." Predaking looked to Megatron.

Bumblebee grabbed my parents and brother, but before he could run out, I ran up to him.

"Hi Mom, Dad, Devin..." I looked down at my family.

"Hi squirt.." My father said. That's what he always calls me.

Predaking looked down at my family in Bumblebees servos then back to Megatron, "It would be wise for introductions to be delayed as this is not over yet."

Just before he could attack, Optimus sprung into action and brought out his own sword, colliding with Megatrons blade.

"Bumblebee, get the humans to safety. Now!" The Prime ordered.

The scout nodded and ran out with my family in hand. I didn't even get to say goodbye... Looking around, I noticed that neither The Fallen or Quintessa were in the room. They left! But question is, where did they go?

"Wait, where did they go?!" I exclaim.

"I presume that the ones you are seeking have entered that corridor, as it is the only way out." Predaking pointed to the corridor my friends had come out from.

I nodded as my other comrades had come into the room. Bendy, Blue, Charlie, Darksteel, Delta, Echo, Skylynx and Springtrap. They're all here, and all Cybertronian. I gestured for them to follow me as I sprinted towards the corridor, hearing them all follow as we entered it. A realization hits me as we're all running through the corridor, a shocking one.

I'm a Leader. I'm a LEADER! Just like I had always daydreamed about. I've made it this far, my team is still alive and they listen to me. They obeyed my orders, even the Predacons. With how stubborn they usually are, they shouldn't have even come. Heh, I guess I'm a persuasive girl. I smiled with joy, but the smile disappeared when we all had to screech to a halt.

A net of electricity blocked our path, I remembered what Nex said. Be very cautious around massive amounts of electricity. He never said what would happen if they came in contact with it, but I can imagine that it would either kill them OR return them to normal. But it's more than likely the first option.

"Guys, I'm afraid that this is the farthest you can go." I look back at the 6 alternative Cybertronians.

"What about us?" Darksteel asks.

"And risk you getting electrocuted?" I ask.

"Wouldn't be the first time, remember that our version of Starscream had abused us." Skylynx argued.

Alright fair enough. I take a deep breath and walk through the electric field, pain lasting for only mere moments as I fully passed through it.

"We need to hurry. Who knows what she's doing with the gems right now." I say.

Once the Predacons had passed through the electricity field, we run down towards the end of the corridor.

(I apologize for this being short)

If I had Failed   ~Book 2 to If I went to Bayverse~Where stories live. Discover now