Chapter 20.

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"What do you think I've been doing this entire time? I've been thinking about lots of different possibilities and allies, and I have successfully made a program that can allow us to hear each other mentally. That's just part of the plan." Sky leaned against the table with the computer.

"And the other parts?" The Ink Demon asked.

She went silent and looked off to the side, biting her lip.

"Well, the only way the program can work is if it's put into your mind and that poses a problem for the organics of this team. I found 2 solutions for this problem, the first being I can ask Tony for some assistance in making a prototype headset for you." She explained.

"And the second solution?" Springtrap asks.

She looked to them, "I could use the gems to change you into Cybertronians, temporarily of course. Only until we get my friends and family out of there, and I certainly won't do it without any of your consent."

This took Bendy, Blue and Springtrap by surprise, the other 3 raptors were confused and looking around the room. She gave 2 solutions for them to consider, giving them some time to make a decision. Blue looked towards her sisters and squabbled, the other 3 joining in with a series of clicking noises and snarls. The Ink Demon and Animatronic on the other hand were rather hesitant on the matter. Sarah waited patiently as she looked to her Predacon friends.

Predaking looked down at the human with a blank stare, Skylynx and Darksteel took a seat as they got tired of kneeling. She chuckled at the sight of the two younger males sitting, as she had never seen them sit before. The raptors then faced the young girl, Blue squawking and approaching her. Sarah looked at the raptor with a serious expression.

"Is that a yes to you and them becoming Cybertronian temporarily?" She asks.

The dinosaur nodded her head.

"So that's 4 accepting to becoming Cybertronian, now it's up to you two." She looked to Bendy and Springtrap.

"Unless you can somehow come up with an interesting design, I'm staying this way." Springtrap says.

"Same with me." Bendy added.

"Alright then. I'm going to pull an all nighter tonight to finish up some things." Sky said.

"Pray tell, what is an 'all nighter'?" Predaking asks.

"It's when you work all night with no sleep at all." Sky said as she turned to the desk, picking up 6 pieces of paper and a pencil.

"You'll be exhausted by the next cycle." Predaking pointed out.

"More than likely considering I've never done it before, but I need to get this designing done. Bendy, Springtrap, and one Raptor need to stay so I can draw an outline for each of you, then I'll add my own details. Bendy, you first." Sarah said, sitting down in an office chair.

Bendy nodded and stepped up first, "So what do I need to do?"

"Just stand as still as possible and don't move." She said as she stared at his form.

She then began to draw his outline, very quickly yet very neat.

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After I had finished drawing everyone's outline, I began to work on the details for armor. I drew whatever came to my head, such as spines on the raptors back like the Indoraptor or Indominus Rex. For Bendy, he will have a slightly thicker build on his arms and legs despite him being muscular already. His long barbed tail will remain and inject a temporary paralyzing toxin that only affects Decepticons, his claws will be sharp as the Lightsabers I had taken.

For Springtrap, I plan on having a cannon coming out of his back like Breakdown from TFP, and one arm able to change into a gun like Shockwaves. Thicker armor will be added certainly, just thinking about his design more thoroughly.

Blue and her sisters designs will all be the same, but with subtle differences for each raptor. Their markings will remain for a start, and there will be variating armor placements for each of them.

I've been working on all 6 designs simultaneously for a few hours now, a yawn escaped me as I was physically and mentally exhausted. I checked the time to see how long I was working, 2:49 am. I started at 10:30 last night, I'm so focused on what I'm doing that I lost track of time. But this is what pulling an all nighter is like, HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS?! I have friends who pull all nighters all the time and they're fine, how do they do it?! I dropped my pencil and groaned in frustration, overwhelmed and exhausted.

"Exhausted yet?" Predaking asked.

Predaking never left the room as I began to design my friends' new forms, he only watched my from a distance as I drew.

"Yeah, but I need to get this done..." I rub my eyes.

"You also need to rest." He said.

"Yes, but unfortunately there isn't much time to rest. There's some things I just need to get done...or else we could be too late." I said with another yawn.

Predaking gave me a look that read 'Stop what you're doing', but I picked up my pencil again and continued to draw. The king growled, he used the tips of his claws and snatched the pencil out of my hand. RIGHT in the middle of working on Deltas Design!

"Predaking! I'm working here!" I snapped.

"There is such a thing as overworking, little one." Predaking snapped the pencil.

He transformed into his dragon form and laid down, squinting at me as if he were smirking. I sighed and turned the swivel chair around to the other desk, grabbing another pencil from a cup and putting it in the sharpener. I looked at the large dragon with a grin.

"Lucky for me, there's more than one pencil. Also pens." I said as I went back to my drawings.

But Predaking was persistent, his dragon neck could reach where I was sitting and he snatched this pencil too. The robotic dragon exhaled a puff of fire and incinerated the writing utensil, he hissed at me as he lowered his massive head to look at me. I squint at him as his golden optics stared at me.

"So THAT'S how it's gonna be, huh?" I sighed, "Okay tell you what, I'm almost done with one design. If I finish that design, I'll take a break. Will that be okay, your 'majesty'?" I ask.

Predaking nodded his dragon head and cooed at me as he continued to stare. It took me almost no time to finish the design, I stretched and got up from my seat with a yawn. I went to leave the laboratory but then Predaking bit the back of my shirt, lifting me off the ground.

"PREDAKING!!" I yelped.

He set me down right next to him, I'm sure there's teeth marks in my shirt now. I went to walk off but he curled his tail so it blocked my path, he looked down at me with a strange look in his eye.

"You want me to change into my Predacon form, don't you?" I ask.

He nods. I sat down and slowly changed into my Predacon form, my large wings folded outwards and my bunny ears fell in my face.

"Happy now?" I tease.

Predaking pushed his head into my chest and forced me to lean back against him. The second I did, I could feel his warmth. It was cozy, warm, and welcoming. I could feel my eyelids grow very heavy as I let out yet another yawn, Predaking carefully wrapped his tail around me as he laid his head on the floor, closing his yellow eyes to sleep. I struggle to keep my eyes open but I'm failing tragically. This Predacon truly seems to care about me and my needs, maybe...he feels something towards me. I smile at the thought of it, even blushing a little.

"Goodnight Predaking..." I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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