18 ~ Do You Believe in Magic?

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"Space-space? Like real outer space?" Nora gawked.

"Yeah, the big blue thing up in the sky where all the stars are."

"Oh, piss off." She gave Carol a playful nudge, who just laughed. "So, when do we leave?"

"Whenever you want."

"You're sure this is safe?" Nora asked one last time, less than twenty minutes later.

"Yes! This is a 100% space-approved craft. We're super safe! Plus, your captain knows what she's doing," Carol assured her as she flicked switches and pressed buttons on the ship's switchboard that looked overly complicated.

Both were dressed in their suits, ready for space. Once they were both strapped in and secured, Carol started the engine and they were soon in flight.

"How're you doing so far?" Carol called over the rush of the engine.

Nora clung to the seat arms, knuckles white and teeth clenched. "Okay..."

The ship was pointed straight upward, heading up, up, up, about to leave Earth behind.

With some sudden turbulence, Nora cried out, her hand flying from its grip on the seat.

"Hey-" Next thing she knew, Carol was flying one-handed, her other hand closing around Nora's in a firm, comforting hold. "I got you."

"Thanks." Nora was surprised by the lack of shakiness in her voice.

The afternoon sky darkened as they zoomed higher and higher, and soon, the sky was dark and you could see the stars even though it was daytime.

"Open your eyes!" Carol called. Nora hadn't even realized her eyes were closed. "You're missing the best part!" Nora's eyes flickered open. "Welcome to space, Doc."


"See, told ya."

"Yeah..." Everything was stars, thousands of tiny, flickering stars. It was breathtaking, literally, as Nora felt her breath catch in her throat.

Only moments later did Nora have her palms and face pressed to the glass of the ship's front window, admiring the view of the stars, actually being amongst them. Her initial fright had worn off with some help from the stars.

She didn't know how adorable she looked, but from where she sat beside the amazed English woman, Carol certainly noticed.

"So, where exactly are we going?"



Carol chuckled. "Knowhere, it's a planet. My contact says the piece of staff is being held by a man called the Collector. Apparently, he collects-"

"You don't say."

"Shut up. He collects relics from various planets and houses them in his museum. Kinda like a space-archaeologist. You two should get along well."

"Okay. On to Knowhere then."

It didn't seem like very long before Carol was announcing that they had reached their destination.

"Here we are: Knowhere."

Nora must have been too enthralled by the stars to notice the passing time. "I've never been nowhere before. Looks like a giant head."

"I'm pretty sure that's what it is."

"Okay then..."

They flew through one of the eyes of the giant head, lowering down into what appeared to be a bustling metropolis, heavily populated by aliens that looked right out of Star Wars, Doctor Who, comic books, or even a mix of all three.

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