Chapter 1~The Death Of A Alpha

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Ink's P.O.V

It was a cold and damp night, wolves from my pack were out hunting, and I on the other hand had guard duty. I was basically the Alpha's right-hand man, and every night he would put me on guard duty. As I stood my ground, I heard growling and yelping from afar. I looked back at my Alpha who was sitting on a rock, and yes my Alpha was a kind-hearted wolf, but Dream was no Alpha to mess with, as he protects his pack at all costs except tonight. I stand up, and walk out of my pack's den, as I check to see what the commotion is all about.

As I arrived at the scene, I stared in horror. Some of my pack members were lying on the ground, some were dead, and some were badly injured. I then hear chilling laughter coming from someone. I growled, and backed up, as someone walked towards me. I then got pinned to the ground by a slightly bigger wolf, with white fur, as his eyes were weird-looking. "My, my, my, what have we here?~", the wolf said, as it appears that his voice was rough sounding. I tried to get him off of me, but he wouldn't budge. "Have I found myself another wimpy wolf? ~", the wolf spoke again, as I started to growl at him.

The weird-looking wolf laughed "How cute, the wimpy wolf is trying to protect itself!~", the last words that he said made me snap, and I pounced on him, with a snarl. "That's enough blabbing, now tell me what you want with me, and my Alpha's pack", I said with a loud growl, as the wolf chuckled slightly, and got me off of him. "Isn't obvious, we want your Alpha dead", the wolf said, as he got up. "My alpha did nothing to you!", I said with my teeth bared. The wolf scoffed "He did nothing to us?, that's hilarious Ink~", he said, as my eyes widened, and backed away more.

"H-How do you know my n-name!?", I said looking scared now. The wolf just chuckled "Well, you are the Alpha's right-hand man aren't you?~", he responded, as I continued to back away, and bumped into someone. "Indeed he is Dust..", the wolf I backed into said, as I turned around, and saw Dream. "A-Alpha, why does he know my name", I said looking at Dream. Dream sighed "My brother's omega has been watching you lately, and he got your name from when I called out to you to collect the meat", Dream said, as the other wolf chuckled, "Bingo~", Dust said, as another wolf with its ear missing pounced on Dream, and attacked him, as Dream attacks back.

I tried to defend him, but it was too late he was already dead. I ran away from there with tears in my eyes, as I heard howls, and the crushing of snow under my paws, as the other wolves chased me. My heart was pounding, and my mind was everywhere, as I went into an abandoned den that no one used anymore. I lay down in there panting, as I hear the other wolves pass by me. I let out a breathy chuckle, as I settled down for the night. I tried to go to sleep, but my mind kept going, as I whined and whimpered for my Alpha, knowing that he was gone now.

Then finally I fell asleep in the cold damp den.

(Hi everyone, I hope that you like this book so far, and I'm very sorry if I made you guys cry, I just wanted some drama in my book ^-^', anyways thank you for reading the first chapter of my book, and I'll try to update often, and make my chapters longer) 

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