Chapter 5

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Everybody packed and went into the limo, all in their own section like rooms. a wall and window seperating them all.

Everyone was doing something:Raiden was fast asleep,Wolfgang is practicing drum playing on the limo door,Liliy is on the phone, Ryuu is reading a book, and I knew Yuri was having one of her flashbacks again. I could sense it, but it was too bad I couldn't tell what her flash back was about. I would like to know what she thinks about her past every now and then.

time pasts and we arrive at the academy. I reach through the window that was linked between Raiden and me. I shook his shoulders and I set my now empty box of pockys I had just ate.

" Raiden were here," I said. he woke up from his nap and looked up at me. he looked like crap after every nap he took after our concerts. he nodded and sat up. all our limo doors opened and we walked out and the concrete floor.

" OMG ITS BLOODY WONDERLAND!!" the students yell. I could hear my band members band names being shouted. even mine.

"too may fans," Raiden sighes. I looked up at Raiden.

" I thought you liked having fan girls." I said with a smirk.

" yea, but this is going to ruin my school life," he mumered. we continue to walk toward the building and I stopped to see a girl with wavy long brow hair fall out of a tree. why the hell was she up there anyways? I saw he gaze at Raiden and cocked my head. a boy seemed to talk to her as she did so. I jogged up to my group.

* * *

after a long time of trying to get out of all the fans we finally made it to the head master's office. I wlaked ahead of mygroup and knocked on the door.

"Enter," I hear a fimiliar voice say.

we eneter the office.

as we walk into the office we see two people standing by the headmaster.

"hello, uncle/head master," we all said. well atleast Ryuu and Yuri said uncle. I wasnt surrisd to hear that he was their unlce. I remeber from when I was young. I also remeber Mr. Cross also known as Kaien, hosting my moms and fathers funeral. he hardly ever talks to me though. he was my dads best friend, but I never felt so close to him.

"wait Uncle!?" a girl with brown hair and eyes and a boy with silver hair asked.

"yep. Yuri and Ryuu are my neice and nephew~!" Head Master Cross said. I suddenly just wanted to tackle him and ask him if remembered my father and his tradgedy, but no I couldnt. when my father died Mr.Cross had question my powers. how could I save them, and how it was possible.

"how could that be?" the girl who's name was to be Yukki asked.

'she's an annoying one isnt she guys?'Yuri asked in mind link.

'I think she's cute' Raiden replies in mind link as well. that made me flinch. leave Raiden to flirt with a girl he barely knows.

'....shes annoying...' Wolfgang said and sighed. I love mind linking. no one but the people you were mind linking to can hear you. so I mind linked this.

' I could strangle her!' I yelled.

'Guys be nice!' Ryuu shouts.

' I have no sayng in this.' Liliy nodded.

" of course~!" Kaien said handing Ryuu,Yuri,Liliy,Wolfgang and Raiden all night class uniforms. then handing me a day class uniform.

'oh boy..' I thought.

" how come I get a different uniform than them!?" I shout not meaningto raise my voice at Mr.Cross. It was probably me being around Mr.Cross and the memory of my father.

"Dont worry Chi we will visit you," Yuri says to me as they followed the boy named Zero the the moon dorms. I looked at Yukki she smiled.

"Chi follow me, we share a dorm~!" Yukki says as she heads out the office. I rolled my eyes.

' kill me now' I thought. I followed her to the dorm we shared. she kept blabbering about the Perfects and all this other crap.

' this girl just dosent stop talking.' I thought.

* * *

Later it was late at night ,Yuuki was such an annoying freaking ass! im sorry,but she was ya' know?

' I cant handle this girl anymore. at least i dont have to see her for a couple of hours while shes on patrol' I thought to myself. than I began to think about my own family. the ones I cared about.

'hey Yuri?' I asked Yuri through mind link. thankfully she answered. I thought she was in class.

'yes Chi?' she asked. I didnt know what to say exactly but I was happy to not feel alone.

'whats your dorm like?' I asked her.

' my dorm is big and beautiful' she bragged. I smirked to myself and cross my arms.

'mine is small and I have to share it with that annoying girl.'


'not funny.'

'is too, anyways you need to go to sleep. you have school in the morning. talk to you later'

I smiled. she was looking after me like a big sister would. infact, I dont think I remember my sister. I saw her when she was a newborn and mom brought her home. for some reason they didnt keep her with us though. she stayed with grandmother all these years and I never meet her since. the reason was because, since I was part shifter and she was born a human, that if I was ever to throw a shifter tantrum like I did when I killed the level E's long ago, I possibily could have killed her. I found out that reason as I grew up and meet grandmother at a bakery but she didnt have Yumi with her. I guess I didnt mention that Yumi is my former newborn sisters name huh? well now you know.

'k night Yuri'

'goodnight Chi.' and she left me. well she already wasnt around, but I mean in a mind linking way. then I went to bed, only hours later to be awaken by that annoying girl, Yuuki.

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