Chapter 6

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Then we went to the hotel.I showed their room to Ed and Harry. They loved it and also we found out that we can connect our two apartments by a key, if we want,so we took this key in the reception and connected our rooms.

We decided to go to the cafe. It was so beautiful and comfortable.I found where we should sit. We sat there and just started talking. "Hayley,I'm happy that we met you!"-said James. "Me too,it'll be very funny and don't forget about our bonfire party!" "It will be lit for sure"-said Ed. "Yeah,guys, Me,Ed,Carlos,Alex and Jayden will go to order some food. James,will you stay with Hayley?" -asked Harry. "Yeah,no problem!"-he answered. They went to order food. "Hayley,I would like to say,that you are so beautiful and pretty."-said James. "Thank you,James."-I said with a smile. Suddenly I saw Grayson and his handsome friend came in to the same cafe.But then I felt James' hand on my cheek. Grayson looked at me,and so did his friend. "James,get off me!"-I screamed. "Girl,you'll be mine"-he said and continued looking at my eyes with a hand on my cheek and putting another hand on my leg.Then I saw how Grayson wanted to come to the table,but suddenly his friend ran to us and got James off me. "This girl said to you to get off her.You have to respect her decision."-he said and punched him in the face. He took my hand and got me out of the cafe. "Are you alright?"-he asked me. "Yes, thank you very much!You shouldn't have done it for me-"- I said. "No,it's okay."-he interrupted me.Ed,Harry,Carlos,Alex and Jayden followed us to the exit. "Are you alright?!"-Ed asked me and hugged me. "Yes,I am."-I answered. "I swear,I'm going to punch him so hard,that he will forget his own name"- Harry said angrily. "No,you don't have to do this"-I said it calmly. "What?!Why?"-Ed asked me. "Because I'm gonna do it."-I said and went back to the cafe. I slapped him and made him fall hard by kicking him to the knee with my foot."Never cross me again!"-I threatened him. Then I went out of the cafe. "Girl,you are a badass!"-Carlos said. I laughed. "I just don't like when anybody disrespects me!"

 "I just don't like when anybody disrespects me!"

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We came to the hotel. Grayson's friend stopped me and said: "Hey,by the way,I'm Cole". "I'm Hayley."I said and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you,hope to see you at the party"he said and a smirk appeared on his face,but it was a different smirk,not an arrogant but still too hot. "Of course,you will.I had an idea of throwing this party"- I said and smiled. "Appearance and brains,you are lucky girl"-he said and laughed. "Thank you,ohh,you are making me blush!"-I said and a light blush really appeared on my face.

It was 5:30 already. I went to change my clothes onto more comfy ones. Then I went to the dining room. I ordered a fruit salad.I wasn't hungry. Then Grayson and Cole came,Cole sat near me,but suddenly Grayson said: "Buddy,that's my sit. Oh sit near me,it's free." " I would like to sit with Hayley,besides,we will sit together any way." "Cole,switch sits!"-said Grayson and lifted his jacket a bit,but then he understood that it's too much and let his jacket go. "Okay,Okay,what's up with you,bro?"-asked Cole with confusion. "Nothing it just,I wanted to talk to Hayley and I wanted to sit near her to tell her."-said calmly Grayson.
He sat near me and looked at me. Cole also looked at me,and I smiled to him,he smiled to me back,but Grayson was still watching me. "What's going on, Gray?"-I asked. " are after the-" After the accident in the cafe?"-I interrupted him.-" I'm okay,everything's okay." He nodded and started eating. After some time I finished eating.

It was 6:40 and I went to my room to change my clothes. "What the fuck it was back there?How could this bastard touch my sister?"-said Ed very angrily. "Ed,let's forget about it and not waste our time on thinking about so low person."-I said calmly. "You are right,Hayley!"-said Harry. "Okay,get ready for the party,boys,we are going to have so much fun". -I said and went to my bedroom.I changed my clothes,put a lipstick on and quickly rushed to boys' room to choose outfits for them. "Girl,you are gorgeous!"-said Harry. "Thanks,jerk"-I said and we laughed. I chose so perfect outfits that every girl will throw themselves at them for sure.

 I chose so perfect outfits that every girl will throw themselves at them for sure

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Then we went out of our apartments and made our way to the beach. Everyone was wearing colorful clothes to match the lights on the beach. There was so magical atmosphere.
I liked it. I saw Cole and we went to the table to drink some juice. "Do you like the party?"-I asked. "It's bomb,I love it."-he said. "I'm glad to hear it"-I said.-"so tell me something about yourself. I know you're half Spaniard and half American. That's all!" " I'm 17 years old.I love making designs of cars and most of all I like races with fast-speed cars. What about you?"- he asked me. "I'm 16 years old. I love singing and dreaming. I don't know what to say..."- I said. "Hayley,do you have a boyfriend?"-he asked me.It was a little awkward for me,but I responded: "No". He said a simple: "Okay". Then he changed the subject. We started talking about our childhood. He was very active boy,he even told me he was and now is playing basketball. I really loved playing it too,so we decided to compete once.Suddenly he looked away at asked me: "Hayley,could you wait please here,I will go quickly,ask something to Grayson and will come back." "No problem"-I said. He went to Grayson...

Grayson's POV:
"Bro,are you okay?"-Cole asked me. "Yes,why are you asking me?"-I asked too. "It's just you are looking at me and Hayley strangely,like I stole her from you. Do you like her?"-he asked me. "Pfff,no,bro,I'm Grayson Lockwood.I'm a player,I don't have such feelings."-I said and took a sip of my juice. "Right,sorry!But why were you looking at her with such a-" "I just zoned out and the first person who caught my eye was Hayley. Nothing more,relax."-I interrupted him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Sorry,man."-he said. "It's okay."-I answered and took one more sip.He went back to Hayley. I was still there looking at them and drinking the 15th cup of juice.I wanted to get drunk but I understood that it was juice.Simple juice which can't get her out of my mind. Why am i thinking about her?I should get laid. I went and I didn't even know where I was...

Hayley's POV:
Then,Cole came back. We still talked about different things,but it was a pity that he doesn't read. But there was still so much to talk about with him. It was so easy and carefree to talk with him. "I will go to the restroom.Will you wait for me?"-I asked. "Yes, of course"-he said. I went thinking about how charming Cole was.In a few minutes I came back,but now Cole wasn't alone. He was with this slutty girl of parallel class. She was getting on my nerves.She put her hand on his chest and I lost myself because he let her do it. I went there and said: "It looks like I'm not needed here anymore. How charming,I feel really shitty now that I wasted so much time on you.Goodbye!" "Hayley,it isn't how it looks like!"-he screamed. But I ran away to stop listening to him, to music and to this loud place. I found myself in nowhere. I was scared but the feeling of betrayal won the fear. It just looks like I've never been and I'll never be the one.They just keep disappointing me.I couldn't hold back the tears and I bursted in tears. I've never cried because of the boy, but it was because of the feeling not because of the situation. I feel like I'm not pretty enough,hot enough to make boys fall for me. But I wasn't going to sit there and cry like a little girl. I'm very strong and I have to get my shit together. Suddenly,I heard some noise of leaves moving. "Who is there?".....
Thank you for reading!
xoxoxo Sofia♥️
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