A puppy for Zac

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I had hoped to miraculously wake up realising the nausea was gone, but unfortunately it isn't. But I couldn't stand stand spending another day in bed. So I made Zac help me down on the couch. As I am not eating, I really don't have anything to throw up.

Zac is just outside in the garden when the doorbell rings and I slowly get up, moving to open it. "Just a moment, I don't move so fast here".

"Hello again Mrs Pugh". The elderly man smile at me. "I have the little bundle here as agreed". He holds up the cutest puppy.

"Please come inside Mr Witter". I move aside, letting him in. I can't wait for Zac to finally get his present.

I close the door behind him. "Can I get you anything to drink ?"

"No thank you. But I think this little girl might like some". He looks at the squirming puppy. "Can I put her down ?"

"Sure, it's her home too now". I smile as I watch her sniffle all around her little tail wagging. The I hurry out to fill her bowls with water and puppy chow. Pushing away the feeling of throwing up.

I hear footsteps from the kitchen door and then Zac's voice. "Darling why are you running around, you need to relax. I told you to just call me if you needed anything".

"Well I had to get up and let in someone". I say with a soft smile.

"Let in who ?"

I hear soft puppy paws behind me and step aside so Zac can see her. "Our new family member of course. Did you forget ?"

"I have had so much on my mind". He looks at the puppy, and his face softens, before the most wonderful smile emerge. "Oh she is so precious".

He gets down on the floor holding out his hand. "Hi girl and welcome home". She looks at him cocking her head slightly, making Zac chuckle. "Are you so cute and curious huh girl ? Come here and say hello".

She takes a couple of little steps forward, then she suddenly jumps forward in a wobbly run and Zac catches her, just as she falls over her own feet. "Whoopsy girl, watch out". He lifts her up in his arms and she gives a little yap and licks his nose.

"She seems to know who her new daddy is". I say with a giggle, as Zac has to gently hold her a bit out from him, to stop her from licking his face.

He looks up at me, with the most loving smile. "Thank you darling, she is the best present ever.. Well beside the baby of course".

"I am just happy you like her". I ruffle up his hair and watch the puppy roll up in his lap.

"I don't like her, I love her". He say softly, stroking her gently.

Mr Witter steps into the kitchen, handing me some papers. "Here is all the papers on her. She has been dewormed and has had her vaccinations". He looks at Zac and the puppy. "Looks like she knows were she belongs".

"Does she have a name by the way ?" I look up at the man. Still gently stroking my little puppy who is snoring lightly.

He shrugs. "Well my little granddaughter called her Molly, but her papers has no name on them, so you can just call her what you want".

I look at her. "I like Molly, so I think we are just keeping that".

Dahlia walks Mr Witter out, while I stay on the floor, running a finger over Molly's small head. She is so soft and I feel such a need to protect her. Feeling how the tears well up in my eyes looking at the small sleeping puppy.

"Are you okay Zac". Dahlia's voice sounds softly behind me.

I nod. "Just got a little overwhelmed that's all. Look how cute she is sleeping".

She bends down to kiss the top of my head. "Just as cute as her new daddy. Is it okay if I go lay down a bit ?"

"Sure, you shouldn't walk around this much". I say sending her a smile, which she returns before disappearing into the living room.

I can't get myself to wake her, so I stay there on the floor, watching my puppy and cuddling her softly as she sleeps. Thinking about the baby, Dahlia and what to do job wise. I also need to talk to Dahlia about what she wants to do regarding work.

Suddenly I hear footsteps and Dahlia comes into the kitchen. "Are you still sitting there ? You know it has been almost two hours right".

"I had no idea, but she is sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up". I look up at her and she shakes her head, but she is smiling softly.

She disappear and shortly after she comes back with a small soft doggy bed. "Put her here. You have to be cold and stiff from sitting there for so long".

"Maybe a bit and I kind of need to go to the bathroom". I smile. "Uhh could you move her ? My legs are asleep".

"Sure". She comes over and bed down to take the puppy.

"Be careful not to wake her". I say as she gently pick her up, warning me a glare that makes me keep my mouth shut. She moves Molly to the doggy bed, when she rolls up with a small sound and sleep on.

I try getting up. "Uhm darling, maybe you can give me a hand too ? My legs don't want to work".

She holds out her hand, giggling softly. "Come on then".

"Thanks darling". I say, after she has pulled me up. My legs a bit wobbly and prickling as they start to wake up.

She looks at me shaking her head. "That dog is going to be so spoiled. I can't even imagine how bad you will be with the kid".

I just grin and shrug, before walking out to the bathroom.

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