Where the hell is ash

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Lauren dropped me off at home, and i just hopped in the shower so I can just relax and breath. I know he is safe and not that guy so I have no reason to really worry. I keep looking at my ring, omg it's so cute...you know what I'm gunna go to the party. It's only like 11:30 so I'll just chill there with ash for a little bit and go home.

I got ready and went to my car, fuck I'm basically out of gas...I guess I'll just get gas then go, "Siri turn on new, new playlist". God I really didn't wanna go to a party tn, well ig to late.

I got gas and then texted ash and told him I'm coming but it's like 20 mins away...he still hasn't responded so I guess he just doesn't have his phone yet.

Okay I just got to the party and he still hasn't answered so i guess I'm just gunna go in. As I'm walking him kayden came over and was handing me a drink...we what the hell is this. "Everthing" he said while basically falling over. "Okay so where's ash at?"... "umm I don't know I guess just look around he's here somewhere"

I'm walking through every room and I don't see ash anywhere, maybe he's outside? "Yo sav you came, ash said you didn't feel like coming bro" Zach said as he came over. "I decided I wanted to chill with him here
tonight...where's he at?"...

"um he just left like 10 mins ago didn't you see my snap" Zach said as he showed me his phone... "WHY THE FUCK IS HE GETTING IN HIS CAR HE CAN BARELY FUCKING WALK STRAIGHT" I yelled while looking at Zach's snap... "I don't know he just left I guess call him." Zach said as he started to walk away.

I went outside and called ash like 20 times and he hasn't picked up one, it just rings all the way and then goes to voicemail. I'm just Gunna drive by his house and see if he's there...

I got in my car and my stomach fealt like a boxers punching bag, I started driving over there and every part of me was freaking out...god Lauren was right he is a dumb ass.

I pull up to his house and no one's there, not even his mom which Is weird cause it's like 1am. Where the fuck is he?

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