Chapter Thirteen

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~After Dinner~

~Jeongguk's POV~

"What movie would you like to watch honey bun? if you ask really nicely Daddy can get you some popcorn too" I gasped and I looked at the list of movies "S-Spiderman! Kookie wan' watch Spiderman! Can kookie have popcorns pretty please Daddy?" I asked softly, making my eyes go extra big "Of course you can have popcorn, you're such a polite little baby. Hoseok, can you please turn on spiderman?" I smiled widely and I turned to look at Appa "of course. Wanna come sit next to me on the sofa bunny?" He patted the sofa next to him and I crawled slowly over to him. I pulled myself onto the sofa and I turned to him, smiling proudly

"You're our little climber aren't you bub" he pulled me close and I snuggled into his chest, watching as the movie started "Can dada gets milk toos? and paci?" I asked softly, looking over to the kitchen "Yoongs, Can you get Kookie's paci? and can you make some milk for him too?" Appa asked loudly "Yeah sure! I'll bring it all out in a minute" Daddy yelled in reply, making Appa nod

"Thanks! So, do you like spiderman baby?" I nodded and I pointed to the title screen "is kookie favourite supahewo!" I said dramatically, pretending to shoot out webs, with added sound effects. Appa laughed softly and he kissed my forehead "you're so cute, you know that poppet?" I felt my cheeks heat up and I hid my face in my jumper "Kookie not cute.." I mumbled shyly

"oh but you are! I'm sure your daddy would agree you're cute, right?" Daddy walked into the room and he sat down next to me, squishing me between him and Appa "of course, you're the cutest baby in the planet! Now, here's your popcorn, paci and milk. Don't have it all at once, we don't want you being sickies" I took the milk from him and I started sipping it quickly "Tank yous Dada" I mumbled behind the nipple of the milk "you're welcome sweetheart" As I sipped the warm liquid I felt my head getting fuzzier and fuzzier and I found myself not being able to form proper sentences or thoughts, just one or two words

I dropped the empty bottle and I made grabby hands to the popcorn "ask nicely poppet" Daddy said, holding the popcorn far away from me "P-Pwease dada" I pouted sadly and I felt my bottom lip tremble "Oh sweetie it's okay, don't cry. thank you for asking nicely" Daddy quickly gave me the popcorn and my pout faded, instead being replaced by a big smile. I didn't say anything and I popped a piece of popcorn in my mouth

Daddy looked at Appa and he looked at me again, an unreadable expression on his face "Darling, how old are you?" I pouted for a moment, trying to understand the question and I held up one finger, making Daddy smile "Aww, did you slip even more? ahh, you're my cute little baby aren't you" He pulled me onto his lap and I giggled softly, not really understanding what he was saying "Oh, don't forget your paci" he popped the soother into my mouth and I smiled, sucking on it softly

The fighting on the TV made me pout and I covered my eyes "this movies a bit too big for you isn't it honey, let's put on something a bit smaller. How about..Mulan?" I smiled widely behind my paci and I started clapping my hands in delight "I take that as a yes" I leaned onto Daddy and I watched as he changed the movie "can I have some popcorn hun?" I stared at Appa, confused as to what he was saying and he chuckled softly, grabbing a handful of popcorn "you look so adorable when you're clueless" He ruffled my hair and I smiled, pressing the paci against his cheek "Boop" I mumbled, giggling

Appa laughed and he kissed my forehead "You're such a cutie. Look, the movies starting!" I turned to the TV screen and I smiled widely, seeing the Disney logo come up in screen. Daddy pulled me close to him and Appa shuffled closer to us both, putting his arm around Daddy. I turned to the TV and we all watched the movie together. Around halfway through the movie I let out a yawn and I rubbed my eyes "no, don't do that hun. You've had a busy day, I think we should all go to bed, how does that sound?" I looked at him in confusion as my young mind couldn't handle long sentences and he lifted me up, resting me on his hip

Appa turned the movie off and he followed us into the playroom "now, let's change your diaper, then you can pick a onesie to sleep in, okay bun?" I could tell he was asking me a question and I nodded, not really knowing what I was agreeing to "alright honey bun" he lied me down on the changing table and I found a strange interest in playing with my fingers as I waited. When he had finished changing my diaper Daddy leaned down and he blew raspberries into my tummy, making me laugh loudly. He gently pulled me up to sit properly and he turned to the wardrobe, a big smile on his face "now, which onesie angel? The galaxy or the dog one?" I pouted in thought and I pointed to the galaxy onesie

"Okay bun, galaxy it is" he pulled the onesie off the hanger and he pulled off my jumper and jeans, leaving me with just my boxers on. I shivered from the sudden cold and Appa walked over from the window to wrap a blanket around me "you can sleep with the blanket tonight sweets, it's quite cold" He said as Daddy helped put my onesie on. I looked over to Appa and I smiled at him sweetly as Daddy lifted me up and he gently placed me down in my crib, still wrapped in the blanket. Appa gave me a smile and I couldn't help but giggle noticing his smile looked like a heart and he wrapped the blanket tightly around me, making me into a blanket burrito

I snuggled into the blanket and I looked up at the space mobile above my bed "Goodnight jungkookie, sleep well. Try not to get kidnapped in the middle of the night, okay?" Daddy chuckled slightly and I smiled at him innocently. They both kissed my forehead and they left the room, making me pout "Dada..? Appa..?"

My bottom lip started trembling again and I let out a wail, wanting my caregivers back "oh bunny!" Daddy ran back into the playroom as he noticed my cries and tears rolled down my face as I looked at both Appa and Daddy "A-Appa, Dada" I croaked out, wanting to make grabby hands to them but my arms were pinned to my sides by the blanket. Appa scooped me up and he loosened the blanket, trying to calm my sobbing "god we're stupid, he's nearly a baby, we can't just leave him. Here, baby, you can hit Appa cause he's an idiot" I slowly raised my arm and I touched Appas cheek in an attempt of a slap, making them both chuckle fondly "would you like to sleep in our room tonight bun?" My cries died down as I got more and more tired and I nodded slowly, wiping the tears off my cheeks

"okay, let's clean you up first." Appa said as he cleaned my snotty nose. He carried me to their bedroom and he lied me down in the middle of the bed on my back, so they both could sleep either side of me. Daddy and Appa both got changed into pyjamas and they both climbed into bed "G'night baby, sleep well" Appa said, rolling onto his chest and resting his arm on me "Nini Appa, nini Dada.." I mumbled in response, before I swiftly drifted off into dreamland

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