Chapter Three

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I was awoken in the middle of the night by a shift in the bed. I opened my eyes to see who I assumed to be Blake getting under the covers with what seemed to be nothing on. Okay, I've put up with a lot here but this is where I am drawing the line. Even that unsettling fading that he can do couldn't help in this situation. I scrambled to get out of the bed only to be pulled down by a very strong arm and I was flush against him making me screech and try to push his arm off of me and run for the door.

I raced to an open door praying the room was empty. Thankfully, the room I chose was and I quickly and as quietly as I could shut the door and locked it. As I gathered my barring's I realized this was the room I was locked away in before. I wanted to run from this room, that will forever haunt me, panic started to rise in me making my heart beat out of my chest and my vision started to blur and fade in and out of the present and flashbacks of what the men did to me in this room. I could feel every bruise and cut in my body throbbing as if they were being beaten into me all over again.

"I'm sorry I scared you I didn't intend to harm you in any way." His sudden voice behind me made me scream. I turned to see 'Blake' standing in front of what I had thought was a closet but looked to be a bathroom that connected to another room.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT" I screamed at the man who was dressed in a pair of Daffy-Duck pj bottoms.I mean who does he think he is, thinking he can just waltz up behind me in what I thought was a locked room with his muscles and charming smile, scaring the bejesus out of someone who is in panic mode. How is he gonna just act like getting into bed

"I'm sorry for scaring you but it's okay. Let's go back to bed." He said as he walked towards me reaching a hand out.

"Ummmm, I think the hell not. You're crazy if you think I'm leaving this room with you so you can have your freaky way with me. I just want to go home and never see you again!" I said glaring daggers at him and opening the door for him to leave. It's like he doesn't see anything wrong with what's going on here. Maybe in this freaky house it's okay but in the real world it is not.

"I'm sorry Casey, I know this is a tough situation but you have to wait a little while longer. In the morning we will leave and you will be back with your family safe and sound. I have had guys watching out for your family for years and they give me weekly reports. They are okay and they are worried but I have already had them notify your grandparents that you were found and will be home in the morning." He said as he brushed my hair out of my face as he stared into my eyes. That same intense look in his eyes was ever present making me feel like everything was okay but a part of me was uneasy at that.

"Please just go I want to go to bed." I pleaded with him staring back at him with the same intensity from dinner. It was like I wasn't mad at him. Something about is eyes made all my worries and anger melt away. I wanted to be mad at him that wasn't something that was okay. But somehow it seemed okay. Without saying anything he walked out of the room with my hand in his and back in the room he put me in the first time. I followed him without hesitation I didn't know why I did but I did.

In his room I crawled into the bed facing him still staring into his eyes. It was so peaceful and there was a strong sense of belonging. I completely forgot that I was pissed at him about the whole situation just moments before. It was like I was meant to be here. Everything just felt right. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. It was the first time in a long time that I didn't have a nightmare. I didn't dream at all it was so peaceful.

I woke up but kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to wake up and see last night really happened. I wanted to be in my bed with James curled up behind me in a way that his knees and elbows are basically inside my back and he's hogging all the covers. But I knew that was too good to be true. Instead I had that man in the same bed as me. The Man that I couldn't help but be drawn to and hated myself for getting lost in his eyes every time I looked at them. I opened my eyes to see his arms were holding me around my waist like I was some kind of doll. The only time it seemed I could be mad at him was when I can't see him.

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