Chapter Four

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The rest of the car ride was a silent one as I did not want to create more questions for myself. Soon I won't have to deal with him anymore and can forget these last few weeks. Then everything can go back to the way it was. Blake pulled into my driveway which unnerved me that he knew where I lived to the point of not needing any direction. As soon as he stopped in front of the house I jumped out and raced to the door. Before I could open the door it swung open to reveal an excited James with tears already welling in his eyes.

"Cas! I missed you so much. The cops told us you were gone for good and weren't coming back because you were gone for so long. But you're back so they were wrong and I was right because I never gave up hope because I know you'd never leave without saying goodbye." James cried as he ran up to me hugging me tightly making me tear up. I missed him so much and such a wave of relief fell over me when I realized he was alright.

"Hey bud, I missed you too and I'm so sorry I was gone for so long but it wasn't my fault. It was his." I said pointing to Blake as I put James back down. James looked behind me for the first time realizing Blake was there. James hugged me again before marching straight over to Blake. Blake who was just leaning against the car stood up acting like he was not in any trouble at all. James looked up at Blake and kicked him right in the groin making Blake fall to the ground in pain making me laugh. James always had been a strong willed tough little kid when I was around. If only he was tough like that in school, maybe a little less physical.

"That's for taking my big brother away from me and hurting him." James said backing up and walking over to me turning around to watch Blake slowly get up and get his barring's back.

"I deserved that but in my defense I only had the intention of protecting your brother and you. I also brought him home after I found him being attacked by one of my very annoying and exhausting brothers, Jack. But I have you know I will do my best to protect him from this point on. And to prove my sincere apology I have a gift for you." Blake motioned to the trunk of the car as he walked over to the back and opened the trunk.

It opened to reveal an Xbox game console and a bunch of those Skylander toys for the game. James quickly left my side to run over and get the toys. He turned to Blake and looked up to him.

"Thank you Sir for my brother and new toys I appreciate them all very much. Would you help me take them inside and play with them with me if you want?" James being adorable and naïve said looking to me to make sure it was okay. I just nodded because he looked really excited to play even though I didn't want Blake here any longer than he was. James ran inside with a handful of the figurines as Blake grabbed the rest and the new gaming console.

"I don't want you here. You've caused enough trouble with my family and cause me enough confusion for the next millennia. So you will make an excuse to James and politely leave my house and never return. If you don't there will be hell to pay." I said walking up to him jabbing my finger in his chest.

"Casey I have already explained that I am going to stick around to protect you and there for protecting my people. I know you don't like the idea because of what my men did but they thought you were a greater threat than our common enemy. So please just bear with me while I try to get everything settled and then I will leave you to live your life and go back to working at the pizza shop just barely making ends meet for you and your family." He explained as he grabbed a duffel bag and started walking into the house to find James I'm sure. That end comment pissed me off. How does he just get to act like he knows everything about me?

"Fine you can stick around for a little while, but you are not sleeping here. There is a hotel down the road a ways. I want you gone as soon as possible." I said to his retreating back following him inside. He went to the right towards the living room where James was setting up his new toys and I went up the stairs to see grandma and grandpa.

I knocked on their door as it opened to reveal grandma with tears in her eyes and grandpa on the bed napping like always. Before I could say anything grandma grabbed me and hugged me tight. I could feel her tears soaking my shirt the longer she held me to her.

"I thought we lost you." She managed through her tears, hugging me even tighter.

"It's okay G I missed you too and thought I wasn't coming back for a bit then too. But I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere except maybe the store because I haven't been in almost a month." I said trying to make the mood lighter.

"Oh dear don't freight over that. A nice man came by a few days after you disappeared saying he heard what happened and bought a bunch of groceries with him. He was such a Godsend." She mentioned this man like she was talking about an old friend. But that worried me slightly I mean who is that kind this day and age.

"Did he happen to mention his name or how he found out?" I asked letting go of her to walk over to grandpa and relief spread over me seeing that he looked the same as he did when I left.

"He didn't say his name but maybe Jamie boy knows they talked for a bit, that boy was so nice. Seems like a boy you would like. So nice that boy." She finished mostly to herself. I smiled at her realizing I missed her silly little side comments more than I thought I would and at the fact the James is talking to new people. I only wish I were able to be there to see him talk to someone other than me.

"Honey why don't you go play with your brother I know he has missed you more than I have." She shooed me away.

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