"Do you hear that?" Scamp lifted up his ear as he heard other dogs on the street.
"Yeah I do," Atticus said. "And it sounds like it's coming from the other side of the fence."
Scamp went to the fence and popped his head in. He grew very excited. There were a few dogs messing around with the unlucky dog-catcher. Scamp barked, wanting to be in on the fun with them and he saw one dog who noticeably caught his attention and eye. He thought she was very pretty. Atticus also looked and saw the dogs and also saw that they were having help with the dog-catcher by a human girl and where he thought she was pretty.
The girl stopped and the girl dog looked back at them. They were both smiling fondly to the boys looking at them.
"Come on, Angel!" one of the bigger dogs called, then this made the other dogs come to the puppy and boy's attention. "Don't you wanna come on and play?"
Scamp struggled in the fence. "I wish we could..."
"Yeah, but we can't." Atticus said.
"Uh-oh, we gotta go." one of the smaller dogs said.
"Angel, come!" the girl told the female dog, patted her lap and ran with her and the other dogs.
The dog-catcher was running with his net to capture a bigger dog, a Rottweiler.
"We gotta get out of here." Atticus said.
The dog-catcher's had been a game to the stray dogs. It even landed in the Brown yard in front of Scamp. Angel barked for Scamp to give it to them so they could play and maybe even let him join in the fun. The street urchin girl was looking through the fence too, wondering what Atticus would do. Atticus gave the hat to Scamp who then gave it to Angel.
"Atta boy." Atticus said to scamp as he ruffled the top of scamps head.
Angel took the hat and gave Scamp a little kiss to thank him.
"Thanks." the human girl whispered to Atticus.
The dog-catcher was coming back for his hat and was nearly scolding Scamp for it, but Angel gave him a bite on his rear-end and the catcher's net went on the Rottweiler. The Rottweiler tricked the catcher and made him get caught on his own net and was on top of the dog pound car with the hat in his mouth. He gave a wink to Scamp.
"That was so cool! We gotta meet them, Atticus!" Scamp struggled to get out of the fence, but couldn't since he didn't have hands and there was a lock on the door.
"Yeah, we gotta meet them." Atticus said, he struggled to get the fence unlocked.
Scamp tried to get out and started to run around the yard of how great it would be to be a stray dog like those cool dogs they met. That night, Scamp was finally freed from being chained. "Hey, look, I did it! Whoo-hoo! So long, house dogs! Come on, Atticus, we're out of here!" he told the human boy and found a way to free them both from the fence.
"Yeah!" Atticus said and then began to get some distance from the fence and then began to run towards it and then jumped and unlocked the fence.
Scamp cheered and they ran down the neighborhood streets, which nearly woke up everyone else. Scamp barked around, hoping to find the dogs to befriend them, but so far couldn't find them. He looked in any possible place to find a street dog, but had no such luck and was about to give up.
"They have to be around here somewhere."Atticus said.
Scamp sighed as they walked along. There was familiar yipping and rat squeaks.
"BACK! BACK!" a sharp young voice called.
"Wait that voice and that yipping those must be that girl and puppy we saw with those dogs." Atticus whispered to Scamp.
Scamp and Atticus's Adventure
RomanceAtticus accompanies Cherry on a visit to meet her distant cousins James and Elizabeth and runs into Lady and Tramp's puppies, notably Scamp who becomes close with the boy as the puppy wants to be a street dog away from rules and Atticus wishes to be...