chapter 5

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The dog-catcher stopped his truck and went to collect Scamp. The puppy was hesitant to go, but he was scooped up and was being taken to a cage now to be locked up. It felt like he was being thrown in the doggy slammer. All those other dogs inside looked very depressed due to being locked up and not free like the others that were either free on the street or snuggling and safe in a home with a human telling them what to do all the time. After the dog-catcher left Scamp and the other dogs and went to his office, Atticus snuck into where scamp was and closed the door after he got inside.

"Scamp, Scamp, where are you?" Atticus asked as he looked through each of the cages. "Excuse me, but have either of you seen a puppy here?"

Scamp was thinking of his family, feeling very homesick. He had made the wrong decision about becoming a stray dog like his father before him and Buster with his crew. 

A Pekingese type female dog came to the end of the bars. She yawned a bit, a little surprised to see a human around here that wasn't the dog-catcher. "A puppy?" she smacked her muzzle a little, sleepily. "What kinda puppy, sugar?" she didn't even seem surprised that there was a human able to talk with animals.

Atticus turned to the female dog. "Yeah, a puppy, he's new in the dog pound." the boy said.

The Pekingese scratched a bit. "What breed is he? I think I might've saw a schnauzer/cocker spaniel mix come in..."

"He's the son of Tramp." Atticus said.

"Tramp you say? I remember him... He's a tramp but I love him..." the Pekingese fluttered her eyes a bit.

There was something that caught Atticus's attention. There was puppy whimpering and loud snapping heard in another part of the pound.

Angel and Mo were running down the street as Lady, Tramp, and Cherry, were lying on the front porch, asleep sadly. 

"You gotta help us, he's at the pound, Scamp's in trouble!" Mo panted from her running.

This woke Cherry and Tramp up.

"Huh?" Cherry rubbed her eyes.

Angel barked to get everyone's attention.

"Scamp?! Come on, Cherry!" Tramp told the human girl.

"We'll be back, Lady." Cherry told the cocker spaniel and ran with the dogs down the street to get to the dog pound as the Fourth of July fireworks sparkled. 

"HELP!" Scamp cried and tried to dodge Reggie's monstrous bites.

"Don't worry, Scamp, I'm coming!" Atticus said.

Atticus then opened the cage Scamp was in. Reggie's chain was nearly lose and he was going to hurt Scamp whether he was an innocent little puppy or not.

Tramp and the girls kept running, hoping they wouldn't be too late.

Atticus got in front of Scamp as his protection whether he was scared himself or not and right now he was scared, but so was Scamp. Reggie growled viciously and was on his way to lunge out at the boy as well.

"Keep your paws off my boy and friend!" Tramp came in between them, looking ferocious. 

The two dogs had a very violent fight. Tramp kept biting at Reggie, but the bigger dog seemed impossible to take down. Reggie even finally threw Tramp against the hard brick wall.

"Hey, paws off my pop!" Scamp yelled, then bit the big dog on his tail.

And this caused Reggie to howl out in pain. Reggie did what he did with Tramp and made him slam against the wall. Tramp got Reggie to bash against some walls and officially locked the cage door on the big dog and locked the door, luckily now Scamp was out. A psychotic dog laughed wickedly as Tramp comforted his son.

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