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(Fast forward a few hours. Also if it sounds weird it's cause I wrote while I was high lmfao)


Eissa had just come out of surgery. The doctor said everything went fine which I'm grateful for; but I haven't seen Ajiona since earlier. I haven't seen her around the pediatrics area either honestly. Did she go home?
Again as if almost on que she walked in the room but she looked different this time around. She seemed frustrated and it looked like she had been crying. She didn't even speak once she came in the room she just walked over to Eissa, took his vitals and was about to walk out of the room before I caught her attention.

"Are you okay?" I asked slowly so I wouldn't trigger any of her emotions. She gave me a sad smile and shrugged.

"As okay as I can be for now." And with that she walked out again and probably would be gone for a few more hours again.


This has officially been the hardest day of my life. Everything went well with Eissa but without my hearing aid I can barely do anything and it's frustrating. I can't hear people calling me so I'm missing things, Jade was here and I didn't even realize it cause once again I CANT HEAR!

It's just really discouraging cause I'm a normal person but without my hearing aid I'm "handicapped" and it's just so stupid. I spent almost an hour crying in my car because of this, I just wish my mother was here. She had the best advice for me.

After my crying episode I went and washed my face before heading back to pediatrics. I grabbed Eissa's charts and went to check on him. I didn't knock or enter with my usual smile, I'm too tired to. I quickly checked his vitals before heading out to leave but Janet stopped me before I could walk out.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. She was talking slowly so I could comprehend and I really wanted to roll my eyes because I know she was doing it cause I couldn't hear her. I just gave her a small smile and shrugged.

"As okay as I can be for now." And with that I walked out of the room and went to the nurses station.

I sat down behind the desk and pulled my phone out opening up my gallery. I went to the album of my mom and started looking through some pictures of her and I. They just made my heart ached more and more as I looked through them so I stopped looking.

It's been 2 years since she passed and my life has been harder since. She made me feel normal, she never gave up on me. I know that's a "Mother's Job" but she did above and beyond and I'm grateful for everything she gave me.

My at the time girlfriend helped me alot with my depression but she dipped out on me almost a year ago so I been by my lonesome. Other than Jade and our dog Indigo I don't really have anyone, and Jade is barely home between the studio and school. I just wish I had someone around that understands me and doesn't make me feel like I'm any different, just like Mama did.

I quickly shook myself out of my thoughts and I took my phone back out opening up to my notes. I made a new one before sitting there for a moment, after a few seconds I just began writing. I was writing about how I felt today, how I had been feeling the past couple of days actually. This seemed to be my only way to vent which helped but not as much as it would if I said everything to a person.

Once I finished writing I set my phone down and just looked around the pediatrics unit to see if I could find something to do. As I was looking around I could see Janet standing by Eissa's door just staring at me. I quickly looked past her, which I probably shouldn't have because she ended up walked to the nurses station. I suddenly got extremely nervous and started fidgeting with my hands as she got closer; where's a damn distraction when you need one. Once she got to the station I ended up looking up at her and instantly freezing up.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked and signed to me. Wow. She was learning how to sign to talk to me.

"Uhh yeah sure." I said as I got up slipping my phone back into my scrubs pocket. I walked around the nurses station and followed her back into Eissa's room. She glanced at him making sure he was okay before walking into the bathroom with me following behind her.

Once I was in fully she closed and locked the door which had me confused and even more nervous. She stood with her back facing me for a second before turning around to face me; she had a look in her eyes that I couldn't decipher but it made me uneasy.

I stood there waiting for her to say or do something but as soon as I was about to say something she spoke before me.

"Ajiona how old are you?" She asked me not even bothering to sign. Luckily I was able to understand that.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and shifted on my feet before answering her. "I'm 24. Turning 25 on July 27th."

She simply nodded before walking over to me kind of slowly making me back up a few steps before I eventually bumped into the sink. Now I was stuck between her and the sick which made my breathing speed up a little with anticipation. What the hell is she doing?

She slowly brought her hand up placing it under my chin. She held my head up just looking at me; her eyes traveling from my eyes to my lips then to other features on my face before she finally settled on my eyes. Once we made eye contact my breath hitched causing me to hold it as I waited for her to make her next move. It felt like my heart was beating out of my chest and I wanted so badly to shiver at her touch.

We continued our staring contest as she trailed her hand from my chin to my neck which made that shiver go up my spine and make my eyes flutter slightly. Her hand slightly tightened around my neck and before I could react or say anything she smashed her lips against mine making me melt almost instantly. After a second or two I began to kiss her back closing my eyes as I did slowly falling into some sort of trance.

We began to slightly deepen the kiss but she pulled away abruptly cause me to open my eyes and slightly frown as I caught my breath. She let go of me and walked to the bathroom unlocking it before cracking it open some. I saw her mouth moving so she was talking to someone but as she did that I realized what happened and what was probably about to happen which made my eyes widen. Holy shit.... Janet Jackson kissed me.

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