Chapter One

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        It was the first day of school. I was going down hall three at Springland High on my way to my locker. I wasn't used to having a locker. I wasn't even used to being in a school. I was homeschooled for years. I was supposedly in tenth grade. I was seventeen and had big hopes and dreams for college. I wanted to go to Full Sail University to major in music and arts. I would always write down lyrics or notes down and work them out once I went to my Aunt's house, where I kept all of my instruments. I've been playing since I was five years old. I play the violin, the piano, the guitar, the flute, and I sing a little. 

        I was putting in the combination to open the locker, and all my stuff just flew out of my binder. My assignments for Pre-Calc, my poems, my history notes, everything. I struggled to pick everything up in time so when I got to class, I wouldn't be late. I had already been late three times this week. My brother always stays up till five in the morning playing Halo and always tries to sleep in. The thing is, is that he's my only ride. I failed my drivers test not-knowing there was a written part. I have dysphraxia, which is a disability to understand given directions on paper and other things complicated. And I'm not able to drive until I get help. 

        I only had two minutes left and walking towards me was this six-foot tall guy with dark hair and brown eyes. I've seen him around school and I really wanted to go out with him. I knew that probably wouldn't happen though, due to the fact that I'm not that perfect like all the popular girls in the school. Just me. Plain old me. Ugly, unsmart me. I looked up and noticed he was coming closer. I struggled to pick my stuff up, before he realized what a clumsy idiot I was. But when he got to me, he got down on the ground and helped me pick up my stuff. 

"Hi.", he said.

"Hi", I replied, all shakely.

"I noticed you dropped all of your stuff." 

"Yeah. Well things happen.", I said, trying to sound all cool about it.

        He was looking at the loose papers that flew out of my music binder. He started staring at this one piece, I wish I knew what it was. I hoped it wasn't something I wrote. I didn't wan't to make a fool of myself. I only wrote for fun. I didn't think I was good at it though.

"This is good.", he said. "It's really good."

"Umm thanks, I guess", I said back.

"I love this type of writing. Words without music although, still having the same deep meaning all around."

        I've always liked it when guys noticed the true meaning behind my words written on a page that I called "lyrics".

"How did you come up with this, umm, song?", he asked.

"I don't actually know. I'm a natural at music. Words just come to me and I write them down. That's it, really.", I replied.

"Do you wanna hang out sometime? Maybe at my place?" he asked.

        At this point, I thought I was dreaming. Was this guy asking me out? Why me?

"I guess it's a no-"

"Oh, wait sorry. I just had to think about it.  I'd love to!", I said.

"Can I get your name?", he'd finally asked me.

"Winter. Like the season."

"Winter, like the season. It's nice to meet you.", he said.

"It's really great to meet you too." I said. 

"My name is-"

"Mitch Augustine", I interuppted.

"How did you-?"

"I've kinda seen you around", I said.

"Oh. Cool.", he said awkwardly. 

"Anyway, call me!", I took my pen out of my pocket and wrote my number on his arm in red ink.



        I got all of my stuff of of the floor and made it to my next class, English. Since it was the first day, we did these little worksheets where you fill out your name, your birthday, your hobbies, your interests, etc. Filling it out was the easy part. After you had finished that, you had to write a summary on the back about the most interesting fact about ourselves. I didn't have much to say other than that I was a musical prodigy with a disablity and no friends. So, I made something up. I wrote down that I was born to a family of wizards with magical powers and we weren't allowed to tell anyone or we would be in big trouble with the unicorn counselor. My paper went a little something like this,

                My name is Winter Read. I am not supposed to tell a lot of people this, but I am a wizard. I can't tell people that. So we must keep it a secret. My counselor of the wizards is Mr. Pinkie, a unicorn that takes care of all our bills and such. I was put in this school to see how a human reacts. But apparentally, that isn't allowed, so we should keep our mouths shut. I'm a fun-loving, singing, dancing, teddy bear wizard who likes pie.

                                                                The End

        By the time I had finished writing my paper, my teacher, Mr. Turnup decided that we would all be called on and had to stand up and read our paper in front of the whole class, which is NOT what I was expecting. When he called on me, I stood up and read the paper. When I was reading, I felt people's eyes burning through my skin. My skin was hot. My eyes were watery. My voice was trembeling. I had been so nervous. I didn't even know why. At the end of my story, everyone was laughing and they wouldn't shut up. I thought it would be cool to be the only one with a different type of story. I didn't think that it would ruin my day. The only thing good was the conversation by my locker with Mitch. Hopefullly, he'll call me.

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