Chapter Four

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        It was around 3:30 in the afternoon, and I got all of my stuff ready to go. I looked around for that dark brown hair, the color of chocolate chips walking around looking for me. I spotted Mitch over by the vending machine with his blue bookbag hanging loosely on his back. I walked over to him, with a big smile on my face saying, "Ask me to be your girlfriend already!". He looked at me and asked with a laugh, "And why are you so happy?".  I just looked at him and kept on smiling, with all of his friends watching.

"I just can't wait to hang out with you tonight.", I said.

"That's pretty cool.", he said.

"Yeah. Just the two of us, right?", I asked.

"Yes. Just the two of us, babe.", he replied.

"Wait, did you just call me babe?", I asked.

"Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all. I was just thinking...", I said.


"I was hoping you were gonna ask me to be your...girlfriend?"

"Oh, I thought you already were. I mean I didn't know if you wanted to, but seeing that your a really pretty girl, you wouldn't say no.", he said. 

"Well, if you want to be my boyfriend...", my voice trailed off, trying to get his attention.

"Yes. I do. I'll take full responsibility. I volunteer as tribute!...Oh wait. It's not Hunger Games. Haha!", he said.

"Well, let's go. There's my mom's car over there.", he said pointing to the window. 

        We walked through the doors and across the grass to the silver car that was parked in front of us. He opened the door for me as I got in.

"Hey, mom! This is Winter, my girlfriend."

"Hi, Winter. Im Mitchell's mom. It's nice to meet you.", his mother said.

"Hi, Mrs. Augustine. It's nice to meet you as well.", I replied.

"Mitch has told me lots about you and how pretty you were. He was right."

"Thank you."

"Are you excited for the movie?", Mitch asked me. His eyes were glistening in the rays of the bright sun. 

"Yeah. I'm really excited!", I say.

"May the odds be ever in our favor!", he says. But, I just laugh as a response.

        There wasn't much talk the rest of the way there. We just listened to the music that was playing, and watched the scenery pass us by. Honesly, I was really nervous. I had never gone on a date before. He was my first boyfriend. I really thought he was cute. I kept watching him from a sideview as we rode along. I examined his facial structure, how his dimples were really deep as he smiled. It was so adorable. I realized that I was staring, right when he turned around to look at me.

"What?", he asks.

"Nothing.", I say.

"You're funny.", he says. 

"I didn't even say anything!", I said, laughing at the end.

        We pulled into the movie theatre parking lot, and his mom dropped us off at the entrance. I felt my heart skip a beat, when I realized that we were alone. We walked up to the lady at the front.

"Two tickets for The Hunger Games, please.", Mitch said.

"That'll be $12.25 please."

         He gave her the money and we recieved the tickets. We walked in through the doors. We walked over to the concessions and he asked me what I wanted.

"I don't know.", I said.

"You must want something.", he said.

"A drink.", I said.

"That's all? No popcorn or candy?"


"What kind?", he said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I asked you, babe!"

        The word babe just kept on playing in my head over and over, never stopping.

"I guess a diet coke. Some M&Ms.", I said.

"Now, that's more like it."

        He ordered the stuff and I carried the drink and he carried the candy and popcorn. We walked to the door of the actual movie room and he held the door open for us. I'm surprised he could, with all that stuff to carry! We walked up the steps, and sat down that was high enough, where no one was blocking our view of the screen. 

        The movie started playing and the lights dimmed. Mitch put his arm around me, like it was no big deal. I really truly felt safe in his arms. I loved the way that he made me feel when I was around him. Nothing could hurt me. Nothing at all.

        All I could think about was if he was going to kiss me. I was scared that he would. I was also hoping he wouldn't. I hoped he wouldn't because what if he planned to break up with me next week, and that if we had kissed, I would have been stuck in the moment, and wanted to cry over it afterwards because I had my first kiss with a guy that didn't even like me that much in the first place. 

        When the movie was over, he took his arm from being around me, to his side. I bet his arm was sore from being around me the whole three hours of that movie! We threw our trash away and hung around in the arcade, until his mom had pulled up to the front.

"Hey, mom!", he said.

"Hi Mitch, Hi Winter. How was the movie?", she asked.

"It was really good. Especially when Katniss shot the apple with her arrow in the pig's mouth!", Mitch replied.

"Well, that's good. Winter did you like it?"

"Yes. It was really good. But it was sad, seeing everyone die.", I said.

"Well, sounds like you two had fun.", she said.

        She drove me to my house and Mitch walked me to the front door. 

"I really had a good time with you, Winter, like the season."

"Me too. I really wanna do this again, another time!", I said.

"Definitely. Well have a nice night.", he said.

"You too."

        I watched them drive away and I went upstairs. I put on some shorts and a gigantic t-shirt, ro wear to bed. I turned off the light and went to sleep. 


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