Prologue | Leaving It All Behind

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Prologue| Leaving It All Behind.

Olivia Braverman had been invisible for some years now, so she hadn't been surprised when no one noticed her pack up her room and just disappear. She had left almost nothing behind, donating everything she could away and throwing away everything she didn't need. She would take only a few necessities, those being a week's worth of cloths, her laptop, phone, and photos that were close to her heart.

The sole possession she left behind was her leather bound notebook that had the inscription "A picture says a thousand words, but a thousand words tells a story and this is mine" on the front. The notebook had been a sort of diary for her; she had written her deepest, darkest secret in the book. A secret she told very few, a secret that not even her family knew. It was the key to the door of her past and so she left it behind for her family to know the truth.

She could no longer carry the key to her past with her, which was another reason she chose to leave the notebook behind. She was finally moving on, starting anew and that little notebook would just hold her back as it had for so long.

With this new beginning Olivia had vowed to forget all the bad memories and begin to make happy ones. She would no longer allow herself to forget the good memories by drowning in that of the old.

The notebook was her way of saying goodbye.

So with a little notebook and a note left behind, Olivia got into a taxi that would take her to the next chapter of her life.

A smile graced her lips as she passed her home and she bid it farewell.


Word Count [292]

Hey guys,

So here's the prologue...
What do you think?
I know its short but if I wrote more I probably would have spoiled the story!
Why do you think she left?
Oh and this will be the only part of the book taken from Livy's POV.
The book is going to be written from the brothers prospective.

You'll understand why later.

You'll understand why later

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