Chapter 4| Her strength

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Dedicated to two amazing wattpaders who I am happy to call friends Jules0161 jward571

And a huge, huge thank you to all my readers who got me to 800 reads. ❤❤❤


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Chapter 4| Her Strength

A week after Olivia's disappearance and the Braverman family had yet to find any clues on the young Braverman's whereabouts. Having exhausted many revenues over the week the Braverman household was in despair.

Their hope for Finding Olivia was running low, their sleepless nights slowly catching up to their tired selves and their lack of any clues causing mass amounts of frustration for the family.

The Braverman's had done all they could think of,

Jake Braverman had spent the week in contact with hospitals within and around the town of Denville. Two of the hospitals had, had patients that matched Olivia Braverman's description to a tee causing fear and anxiety to fester within the young man; however upon reaching the hospital's The Braverman family were both relieved and saddened to discover that neither patient was their missing sister.

Ian Braverman had taken a similar approach to Jake, having gotten into contact with friends in the police force to ask for help. Ian had asked the officers to keep on the lookout for his younger sister, while the officers were willing to help find the young girl Ian was informed that a missing person report could not be filed due to a few factors which included Olivia being a legal adult and that she had left a note ruling out kidnapping.

Matter Braverman had taken up the task of creating and printing out flyers, hoping that a friend of Olivia's or Olivia herself would get in contact with the Braverman's. Maria, Jonathan and Jake had then helped Matter put the flyers up around town, and even going as far as to put them up in the next town over.

And even though their efforts were in vain the Braverman family were determined to find Olivia despite their crippling hope of actually achieving their goal.


Jason Braverman sat on the sofa in the lounge, having been busy all week Jason decided to take some time to himself. Time, he felt would best be spent watching home video's of a time where the Braverman family were much happier.

Jason Braverman had been given Olivia's diary from Jake a week back; however Jason hadn't been able to muster the courage he needed to read through what had been written in the book. His nightmares had only gotten worse and the thought of reading something that could make those nightmares more terror inducing was frightening.

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