A Sad Goodbye

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His last smile as he says goodbye...

"I can't take this." Emma said, "We can't let him go. If we don't stop this now, Norman's really going to die!"

"It's impossible, we can't stop him anymore." Ray sighed in defeat, "The Demons are probably at the gate already, and Mom will be watching. And Norman is completely prepared to die."

I stepped out of the room, trying to catch up to Norman. He was at the end of the hallway and I hugged him. Crying I try to tell him my thanks, he was a part of my life that I will never forget.

"It's okay Lilian." Norman consoled me.

"We'll meet again one day, I'm sure of it." I bawled, "May it be in the afterlife or in our next."

An opportunity.

Norman was surprised, not knowing what to do he patted my head and said, "Make sure the others escape successfully for me."

I agreed letting him go and running back to the infirmary. If Emma can convince him to run away or to do it by force, the circumstances might change.

"Ray," I started, "Are you...?"

"I give up..." Ray said.

"No you won't." I replied, "You can't!"

"Norman's gone and Emma is injured!" He exclaimed, "There's no way we can go on."

"You can't just give up!" I retorted, "You've planned this for years! And now when we're finally near to the means... you can't."

"Lilian... I can't anymore." He sighed.

I kneeled in front of him, taking his hand and said "It's what Norman would've wanted."

This was his last wish, for everyone escape from this house. To survive and live until the end.

Norman wanted to protect the others so he was sacrificing himself to the Demons, even if he doesn't want to die yet.
Ray got up from the bed and went to the lobby, I followed him. Even without talking to Norman he wanted to see him out. They exchanged glances and Norman was hugged by Emma for the last time.

"It's going to be okay." Norman told Emma, "Don't ever give up."

Norman proceeded outside with other and he waved all of us goodbye. I wanted to follow them, to see if my deductions were correct. But Emma and Ray needed me by their side, so I stayed.


Waking up at six o'clock, doing our daily routine. Thirty-eight children stayed at the house. 'Good morning' was exchanged between us, now lacking enthusiasm. At the table an empty spot was next to me.

An emptiness lingers...


Trying to find something now gone; was now a dull world to live in...

A stripped bed, an empty place, no toiletries, an abandoned desk; these were signs of Norman being gone. It was painful, to think about him, looking over and not seeing him.

It was our free time today, the kids were playing as usual but Emma was sitting by a tree still looking sad. Ray hasn't come out and I was at my room, drawing Emma, Norman and Ray. They were holding each other, not wanting to let go.


"We've done enough." Ray said, "Let's die here."

The others were confused.

"It's impossible." Ray explained, "We're surrounded by cliffs, and the only bridge is the one going out of the headquarters. Besides, I'm tired. I'm really tired."

I wanted to comfort Ray, but he's been pushing me away since Norman left.

"Then what about this?" Emma asked holding out the nullifier.

"I don't need it." Ray replied, "You can have it. If you want to escape, go. I'm out, sorry, Emma."

Emma ran out of the dining hall, I followed her.

She went to the infirmary and laid on the bed, contemplating. I sat next to her and tried to console her, that this wasn't the end.

Emma must think that she didn't have anyone else, now that Norman's gone and Ray gave up, hits hard on her. There was little hope on getting everyone to escape, it was near to impossible at this point.

A knock sounded on the door and Mother came in the infirmary, Emma was surprised.

"I did knock." Mother said then gave Emma an embrace, "Didn't you hear it? You poor thing; you're in pain, you're suffering. Norman died, Ray's not himself and Lilian is in my control. You can't do anything alone. Your wings are
broken, your escape route is blocked and now you've lost your emotional support. You poor girl, you must be in total despair. You will never be able to escape, just give up."

I stormed out of the room, not liking Mother's words to Emma. This was her invitation to become a mother. It was far different from how she told me. Emma was at her weakest point and Mother was tearing her down lower, to give her another chance at survival. But Emma's not the type to give up easily, or ever. Though, in Mother's eyes this was the only way to stop the pain...

Time was our enemy, and before we knew... The snow came and thawed, it was January the night before Ray's birthday.
The final moments, the end of another line...

I still couldn't face Ray, even though this was the last time we can be together. I didn't want to say goodbye, I wasn't ready to let him go.

In truth, no one has given up on the escape. The plan was still ongoing, they just made some configurations. For the sake of Ray...

Hope still lies within us...

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