Chapter Four

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As you can tell from the picture, this will be half NaLu and half Gruvia. Hope you enjoy!



Juvia woke up to Gray snuggling her. She squealed quietly. This was all she wanted, to sleep with Gray in her arms and wake up with him. "Wuvia?" Baby Gray asked. Juvia cooed softly and kissed his forehead. Gray cooed happily at her.

Juvia got out of the shower and put on a simple bell sleeved blue-gray dress that reached her upper calf. She went to the kitchen and found Gray. Freezing half the kitchen.

Gray looked up from his position on the floor. He looked up at Juvia with guilty eyes. "I sowwy, Wuvia!" He cried, almost bursting into tears. Juvia picked him up gently and patted his back. "How about we go eat out today, okay?"

"Okay." Gray replied softly.


Lucy put the dishes on the sink and started to wash them. She left Natsu in the living room, with some toys. After yesterday's incident, Lucy was hesitant to leave him alone.

Lucy was lost in thought when she realized it was way to quiet. She turned off the faucet and waited for a sound. She went to the living room and saw Natsu peacefully sleeping. Lucy picked him up and wrapped him up in a blanket. She stroked his hair for a second and went back to washing the dishes.


Lucy sat down on her desk, brainstorming ideas for her novel. She had a few ideas, but none of them felt right. She was so lost in thought, that she almost didn't hear the bang from the living room. Key word: Almost.

As soon as she heard it, she ran to the living room and checked if Natsu was okay. Natsu sat in the center of a pile of books. He clutched one in his toddler hands. When he saw Lucy, his face brightened. "Wuce! What did?" Lucy the book he was holding. It was a children's picture book. "It's a book my mom gave when I was little." She felt her voice crack. Luckily, Natsu didn't pick up on it. "Wead to me?" Natsu asked. Lucy nodded. "Sure, but I'll have to clean up okay?" Lucy picked up Natsu and sat him down on the couch. She picked up the books and put them back in the right place. She turned around to find Natsu still staring at the cover. Lucy giggled lightly. She then sat down next to Natsu and softly took the book. Natsu then crawled over and sat on Lucy's lap. "Wead Wuce?" He looked up at her with big oynx eyes. Lucy smiled, "Of course."


Natsu made Lucy read the book over and over again. This brought comforting reminders of when her mother used to read this book to her. After the seventh time reading the book, Natsu feel asleep. Lucy slowly put the book on a table and laid on the couch. Natsu snuggled up with her, stuffing his face in between her boobs. Mumbled something Lucy couldn't hear. She smiled softly and combed her fingers through his pink locks. She kissed his forehead and closed her eyes.

Is this what having kids with be like? Lucy let her mind play with the idea. She smiled blissfully and wrapped her arms around Natsu.


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