getting out

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Hello! OK who thought lasts nights walking dead was awesome?! also I got a hundred readers this weekend, that's so awesome! Anyway you probably don't want me to blabber anymore so on with the story! :-)


Izzy POV

"Who are these people you know?" he asked me.

"Well there my friends and well they are at the next town up the train tracks." I said lying. I knew that they were evil and they lied about them testing if I would not kill the man. I knew they would probably lie in the future again. then I remember see in a propane tank by the fence. I wonder if that would screw them all but save my friends. I shrugged it off for at now. then I started lying again. "there is about 30 of them"

He smirked. it made me want to shiver. "I will send a group out tomorrow to bring your group back here." Then you probably want to eat them I said in my mind. "Anyway I have to show you to your room. But before that we have to make a quick stop." He led me down a hall way and stopped at the door. " Wait out side for a second and he stepped in to the room.

I looked into the room and saw rick, Daryl and two other men lined up to a bucket and saw four other men dead right next to them. I almost bursted into the room for them not to kill them but then I heard gun shots, then a big explosion shook the building. The guy i was talking to told the men to wait right there and was coming towards the door. I ran to the end of the hall and turned left and staid there.

I could here him curse and heard him go down the other hall way. I ran towards the door and peered in. The two men were talking but were facing the other direction. I opened it enough so I could crawl through. I hold my my bow in my hand and aimed. Right as I fire my arrow at one of the mans head rick standed up and  stabbed the other man with a piece of wood. He turned his head at me and nodded. I ran to the other men and untied Daryl.

Daryl gave me a big hug. "Daryl... can't breath....Daryl...Daryl... Dad!" he let go.

"Oh sorry"

The other two men gave Daryl a glare that said 'explain later'.

We quickly left the room and found are selves in a meat locker room, but the only meat in there was... human. it made me want to gag. They grabbed more knifes and Daryl got a piece of pipe.

We went a door that lead outside and rick said "there distracted we can slip past them."

"No we have to save them, it's the right thing to do"

rick only nodded. "I bet a Twinkie that there is a crazy guy is in that box car" I whispered so only Daryl could hear. He gave me a smirk, I bet he just laughed in his mind.

We open up the door and ran out. I hit one with an arrow and chopped off another's head. Rick opened the box car door and guess,what? A crazy man ran out. Then got eaten by a zombie. Daryl gave me a stare probably wondering how I knew bought the crazy man, then again I was still wondering how I knew.

I shrugged it off and then I heard gun fire. Rick ran to an car and waited for everybody pass then he came up behind them and stabbed one of them. He stole his gun and shot the rest of them. We started running again but I notice something irregular about a walker. Then I realized that it was not a walk, but a person. I followed the person and realized that the walkers did not notice me. I followed them up into the woods, just hoping that Daryl does not notice me gone, at least for a little bit.

I followed them then they stopped and took of there gear. I finally realized that it was carol. I waited and she finally left. I quickly, but quietly ran through the forest. I came upon a little cabin. I heard talking coming from the dirt road. I quickly climbed up a tree and waited. Finally I saw them walking down the road. right as the reached there, Tyrese came out of the house with Judith. I saw rick and Carl running towards her. They hugged and kissed her and all. I jumped down and made a thud. All there heads turned forwards me.

"what?" I asked. Carl ran up to me and tackled me into o a hug. "Carl...can't breath..."

"Oh sorry"

"second time today"

Daryl came up to me and said "you need to stop running away like that"

"sorry kinda a habit" He smiled at me and rubbed my hair so it was all messy..... well at least messier. "Don't ever do that again" I said. Carl laughed.

Then we left not sure where we were going next, me holding carls hand while he holds Judith, and we made sure Daryl was in front of us so he couldn't see are hands. Well what ever happens next I will be really for it.


OK how did you like it? I will update again either next Sunday or Monday. What was your favorite part of the chapter? sorry if there is any spelling errors. any way vote, comment, share!

-dragongirl2020 :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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