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OK I should say the rumor I herd before I say any thing else if you

don't want to hear it then skip over the next paragraph.

They said that Daryl dies.  when I was watching this episode I

actually thought that the rumor would come true. Wide is a Daryl

with die is because best said beth the last man standing, also he

slept in a coffin, also they said since he was in a dangerous group.

I was so glad that he did not die.

any way the only people from the out side is carol, Tyrese and Izzy,

or beth if she is still out there, and terminus has not got her, but

they probably do. also rick is a human walker! now the chapter.

Carl POV

I am in a train car sitting in a corner thinking about Izzy, and

hopefully won't come here and get trapped here like us. I know

Daryl is thinking about her to. I hope she is alright.

Izzy POV

I woke sweating hard. I knew now that terminus is a bad place.

in my dream I see Carl, rick, Michonne, Daryl, and a few other

people that I don't know trapped in a box car. I knew that that

place is a trap, but I had a plan. I left a note on the table and it said

" Terminus is a trap. others trapped in boxcar. went to help them.

if you go try and pretend to be on there good side.


I left the house and started to walk down the tracks. after thirty

minutes the sun rise up in the sky and the a couple minutes later I

was at terminus. I knew I would not be safe so I decided to go to

the woods. I went up to the fence and saw a fresh new pack of dirt.

at first I thought it was a grave then realized that what ever it is out

must be some thing important. I started digging with my hands

and found a blue duffle, bag, and realized that it was ricks. I

opened it up and found some, guns, and arrows. I took a few

arrows, and a gun and put it next to my sword. I knew that it might

be important for the future so I zipped it and buried it again. I

walked up to the front of it and went threw the gate. I started

walking up the path and past a boxcar.  herd movement in there.

hopefully Carl.

then a person came walking up to me and said, "welcome to


"Thank you I'm Izzy" I said trying to be com.

"I am john now let's just put your weapons down on the ground

and do a check."

"OK" I said hoping he wouldn't try anything. I put down my gun,

sword, and bow n arrow on the ground. then he searched me and

then let me have my weapons back. as I was walking by I saw a

Daryl's crossbow, Michonne's sword on a table, with two pistol's

beside them. I knew this was a risky question, but I said "Wow

where did you get those weapons?"


"Well those are pretty nice, weapons like that sword is way to cool,

and that crossbow looks like a really nice one. where do you find

weapons like those?"

"Oh well we just find that stuff on idiots that where turned in to the

infected that did not know how to use them." I wanted to punch

him in the nose right now, but I push it a side for now and kept on



sorry that it was short. I am tired and I want to go to sleep. anyway

I will not update for a while, because one the walking dead ain't on.

two I have four other books that have not update for almost a

month. any way vote, comment, share, follow! thanks


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