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Private dms

Xxxtentacion: you think Omar and Stokeley was tellin the truth?

Blonde: I meannnn

Blonde: me and Craig like talked about it and it made sense

Xxxtentacion: mm ion know I kinda don't want it to be true bc like I've been such an asshole to Isaiah for no reason :(

Blonde: if it is true what you finna do?

Xxxtentacion: im gonna be like really upset

Xxxtentacion: bc I was rooting for shayaa and shit but then again he's my friend

Xxxtentacion: And ngl thats such a fucking power move

Xxxtentacion: staging a whole cheating scandal, cuffing a whole nigga while still seeing another nigga and keeping the whole group convinced other wise

Xxxtentacion: all that work id have to give him his props

Blonde: all that work for just double the dick

Blonde: there's an app for shit like that

Xxxtentacion: LMAOO you crazy, I'll hit you later ok ❤️

Blonde: okay ttyl 🖤🖤

Frank put his phone down and sighed. "I'm still mad you chose me of all people to tell. Be glad Jah won't be as mad if Omar manages to expose y'all." Frank said as he looked over at his British friend. Shayaa snorted and rolled his eyes. "I got everything under control trust me, even though Jahmier is stupid he's surprisingly keeping things together." He said as he played with his frosty.

The two were currently at the local Wendy's where Donald and Craig worked. Unfortunately Donovan worked there too but Frank could care less about that musty ass nigga. Craig was on break and walked over to the two and sat down. "Y'all still talking about the whole shit that's been going down?" He asked and sat down next to Frank. Frank leaned on him and fed him a fry. "Of course what else would we be talking about? How ICE still hunting him?" Frank joked and Shayaa rolled his eyes.

"Omar really almost got us my nigga I was so scared. Jahmier called me so fast, he was so stressed. But then I calm him down." He said with a smirk and Craig gagged. "That's not disgusting or whatever. I'm wondering has Bryson said anything to you?" Craig asked and Shayaa took a sip of is drink.  "He was a bit suspicious, but he blew it off simply because they removed him from the groupchat." He said and Craig nodded his head.

The door opened and Craig sighed before putting his work cap back on. "I'll see you tonight babe love you." He placed a light kiss of Franks lips and walked back into the kitchen. Frank smiled and watched him walk away with love in his eyes. Shayaa smiles at the twos interactions. "So this might be a reach but have you thought about marriage? The fact that y'all are already living together and plan on moving together." Shayaa said and Frank grinned.

"Actually I think he might be proposing to me right before we move. I might have seen the ring already because I was snooping." Frank whispered and Shayaa smiled. "That's cute, hope y'alls relationship last forever." He complimented and Frank thanked him. They ate in silence for a few minutes when Rahime, Tyler, And Symere walked in. Tyler spotted the two immediately and sped walked over to them. He pushed Frank over and sat down next to him.

"What's my best friend doing hang out with the Brit head." Tyler said and Shayaa rolled his eyes. Rahime and Symere joined them at the table and sat down. "I can ask the same, y'all don't seem like a group that would hang out." Frank said and fed a fry to Tyler. Symere shrugged. "These coons were the only ones who weren't busy. Mainly because Tyler doesn't have a job and Ool is too stupid to get one." Rahime scratched his head and snorted.

"Aye bruh you not finna clown me like I'm not here." He huffed and Symere side eyed him and snickered. "We are the same height Lil nigga I will thrash yo ass." He threatened and Rahime ignored him and played on his phone. "What y'all doing at Wendy's though." Tyler asked and Frank shrugged. "I came here to see Craig, and Shayaa was already here so I decided to hang out with him." Frank explained and Shayaa nodded his head.

Tyler narrowed his eyes. "Hmmm you could be talking about how Shayaa and Jahmier are actually dating." Tyler pressed and Frank and Shayaa gave him a blank stare. "You think of all people I would go to Frank, me and Frank are cool but I would definitely go to someone that I'm closer with like Jahseh." Shayaa explained and Frank felt a bit hurt but he knew it was just a cover up.

Tyler stroked his chin. "Oh yeah? Maybe you're telling Frank to throw us off track and simply because he's leaving soon so that would mean the only person that knows is leaving soon." He analyzed and Frank looked at him with wide eyes. How the fuck did this nigga have everything figured out? Rahime stares at Tyler with a blank look on his face. "..what?" He asked and Symere rubbed his temples.

"The more I hang around you the more I lose brain cells. Just stop talking before you make me as stupid as you are right now ." He complained and Rahime stuck his tongue out at him. "I'm just fucking with y'all." Tyler said as he pat Frank on the back playfully and Shayaa let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Frank gave him a look and Shayaa sighed. Now that everyone's suspicious things were getting harder for them to keep this shit up.

Him and Jahmier weren't being cautious and got caught lacking. So for sure they're going to be on their best behavior and lay low for a bit. The only time they could possibly hangout now is when the whole group was together. Shayaa wasn't worried at all though.

He had everything under control.

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