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Bottoms chat

Feliciathegoat: I wanna marry Rakim

Blonde: yes. I approve of this

Xxxtentacion: bye that's cute I could never see myself marrying Stokeley

Xaniety: oh?? Why not?

Xxxtentacion: bc being tied down is starting to get boring I like meeting new people trying new things I can't do that shit when I'm with him

Xxxtentacion: I'm basically a whore

Superduperkyle: oh

Blonde: wait u haven't cheated on him have you?

Xxxtentacion: no of course not that's fucking evil but I might end things with him when we graduate

Lilpump: awww the end of jawstinkeley

Cooliecute: good I'm getting tired of hanging around that nigga anyways he's so fucking immature

Trippieredd: Wait where is this anger coming from I thought you liked Stoke

Cooliecute: LMAO naw I tolerate him bc he's with Jah, but like that's it

Cooliecute: nigga wants to be a comedian so bad

Liluzivert: ngl he do got a point that nigga cracks the corniest and meanest jokes for no reason

Xaniety: nobody laughs at them anyways

Lilpump: and he stink so jah I'm sure no ones gonna miss him

Xxxtentacion: love yalls support 💀

Feliciathegoat: I don't know how to ask Rakim to marry me

Blonde: wait you're like serious?

Feliciathegoat: yeah when I visit him I wanna like propose or something

Feliciathegoat: I cant afford a ring so I have this ring pop that I've been saving

Trippieredd: that's cute mbn

Blonde: maybe you should like wait til he gets out?

Feliciathegoat: no

Blonde: ok whatever you do I support you bb

Superduperkyle: have a prison wedding like they did in oitnb

Feliciathegoat: if it's free than yes but idk what I want to do yet, Clancy says I really should be focusing on myself but fuck him

Xxxtentacion: you should listen to Clancy though he's gotten you this far

Feliciathegoat: so what. He's about to abandon me anyways

Feliciathegoat: when I graduate I can't see him anymore

Trippieredd: that's gotta suck you've been seeing him since you were like a kid right?

Liluzivert: and ngl dont kids on the spectrum HATE change and have troubles dealing with it

Feliciathegoat: yeah

Xxxtentacion: maybe if you talk to Clancy he'll work things out I'm sure.

Feliciathegoat: why are y'all so much better at talking to me than my mom or literally anybody in the world

Cooliecute: bc niggas are stupid and don't know how to talk

Lilpump: period poo

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