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Blonde: ngl the music Jahmier just put out

Blonde: kinda slaps

Theslumpgod: it's like 22 mins long right

Blonde: shortest fucking album as always

Xaniety: I heard it's bc he has no features so all the songs are going to be short regardless

Blonde: and bc his mind isn't creative and his song topics are mostly the same so

Blonde: best to keep it simple

Xxxtentacion: I'm sad y'all :(

Cooliecute: aw baby why

Theslumpgod: nigga don't call my baby baby

Cooliecute: stfu nigga and go take a shower

Rawhoolmane: and eye oop

Xxxtentacion: school starts in a week

Xxxtentacion: and my bitch ass mom is taking my phone so I don't know if I'm gonna be active on social media any more

Theslumpgod: just use my phone when we hang out

Xxxtentacion: oh yeah mom said ur not allowed at the house anymore 😔

Theslumpgod: wait what the fuck why

Smokepurpp: so who gon say it

Lilpump: not now Omar 💀

Cloudyskies: prolly bc u fucking stink

Smokepurpp: can always count on Metri to finish my mean and cruel thoughts out loud

Theslumpgod: ok fuck you nigga I've been showering more so leave me alone

Xxxtentacion: he has and I'm so proud of him but that's not the case

Xxxtentacion: she sees u as a distraction when it comes to school

Xxxtentacion: so she's practically about to Cinderella me without the fancy god mother and wonderful evening at the fucking ball

Blonde: aw wtf :((

Xxxtentacion: it's ok franky we can send letters in the mail like the old times

Blonde: a pen pal ! :o

Trippieredd: I swear frank radiates uWu energy

Juicewrld: why was that so accurate 💀

Liluzivert: Mbn to radiate uwu energy

Playboicarti: you radiate evil demon energy baby

Liluzivert: that literally does not make me feel any better

Theslumpgod: demon energy 💀💀

Cloudyskies: he tried and that's the thought that counts

Xxxtentacion: I have decided that when school starts

Xxxtentacion: I will end this chat

Theslumpgod: wait what

Lilpump: NOOOO

Smokepurpp: nigga really tryna separate all of us just bc he can't have a fucking phone 💀

Xxxtentacion: no nigga ion want y'all bonding without me and sharing drama and shit without me

Xxxtentacion: besides we do need a break from social media shits toxic as fuck

Theslumpgod: that's how I like it anyways

Theslumpgod: so I'm good

Theslumpgod: as for the gc I could care less if u delete it or whatever someone will make a new one if they want too

Xaniety: He got a point

Juicewrld: most of us are lazy anyways so the chances of us making a new gc is gonna be hard

Feliciathegoat: I'm not going to school until they release Rakim.

Blonde: fuckkk where's Clancy when you need him

Feliciathegoat: fuck Clancy he has been no fucking help to me during this whole situation and I feel like I'm losing my mind

Blonde: ok t I'm omw now just stay calm please

Rawhoolmane: is he gonna be ok?

Xxxtentacion: it's Tyler I doubt anything bad could go wrong

Blonde: damn y'all really don't know Tyler.

Blonde: Hes def not gonna be ok I'm prolly gonna have to stay with him for a few nights just to make sure he doesn't go insane

Cloudyskies: holy shit I ain't know it was that bad

Xaniety: damn love be really doing that to a person

Smokepurpp: u mean the autism right bc tyler is retarded

Blonde: could you like stop?

Blonde: Hes literally no different than us if anything he's an amazing human being

Smokepurpp: still doesn't change the fact that he's re tard ed

Blonde: ok Omar is blocked anyone else say some dumb shit I'm blocking you too

Cooliecute: oh

Xxxtentacion: sigh niggas just don't know when to stop joking around during serious situations

Xxxtentacion: Frank go ahead and make sure T is ok and let us know when u get there

Blonde: I will

CraigXen: he likes the gushers right?

Blonde: yes please buy some

Theslumpgod: wow y'all should really work at nursing homes so good at taking care of the needy and dysfunctional

Blonde: another nigga on my block list

Lilpump: I were honest the really the meanest niggas here

Smokepurpp: y'all faggots are mean too but I digress

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