~15~ W-Will?

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A/N AHHHHHH SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSK Thank you all so much for 2k reads! Yayaya! I'm glad you guys absolutely love this story! I did not expect for it to get as much love as it has so far ssksksksksksks thank you all so much! I love you guys and I'm glad you love the story! :D

Hopper and Mike end up choosing the garden shed as the destinated place to put him ad everyone begins to move things around. Doing their part to help make the place unrecognizable. At one point, Steve and Nancy were left alone in the shed to I assume talk so Jonathan kept me company. Dustin and Lucas went out alone for the trash bin together and I saw through the window that they seemed to be making up.

Jonathan carried Will and put him in the taped up chair. They tied a rope around him so he couldn't get free. We prepare loudspeakers and Joyce has a tranquilizer in prepare. They have the lights as well. Bright ones.

"All right, you ready?" Hopper asks in a hushed tone.


Not everyone is in the room with Joyce. Just Hopper, Jonathan, Mike, Joyce and me. Both Jonathan and Joyce wanted me to be in the room with them. Mike agreed to it after some little convincing because of what I knew and my friendship with Jonathan and Will. Hopper with the three wanting me to go also allowed me to tag inside.

He pulls something out, something to wake Will up. He dips it in cotton and brings the cotton to his nose. With a sudden gasp, Will shoots up and his eyes grow wide.

Will darts his brown eyes around slowly, the light blaring his face. Mike, Me, Joyce, Hopper and Jonathan stand around, but not crowding him. Will struggles a little, still looking around. This is a completely different change from what I last saw him in.

"What? What? What is this?" Will grunts. He keeps looking around and struggling with his grip.

"What? What is this?"

Will looks toward me, searching for some kind of hope. Then Mike. Then Jonathan. Then Joyce. Then Hopper.

"Why am I tied up?"

Joyce crouches down in front of him. "Will, we just wanna talk to you. We're not gonna hurt you."

"Where am I?" He then looks directly up at me and I feel myself freeze for a moment.

Hopper takes a deep breath then steps up to Will. "You recognize this?"

I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and I look toward Jonathan. I give him a weak smile and turn to Mike. He stands there thoughtfully, but I can tell even he is tense.

"Do you recognize this?"

Will shakes his head, breathing heavy.

"Hey." Joyce whispers.

"We wanna help you. But to do that, we have to understand how to kill it."

"Why am I tied up?" Will shouts. I jump stunned which catches Mike's attention as I feel Joyce's choice of words should of been better.

He keeps repeating that. Why am I tied up? Which is something even I can tell Will wouldn't normally do. My eyes widen and I take a step back. 

It's frightening in itself. But it disturbs me more...it reminds me of what Finley was doing...

"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!" The lights begin to flicker as Will continues to shout and not even listen to Hopper or Joyce. His voice becomes less like his own and this is scaring Mike as well now.

Hopper holds him tight as he continues to shout. Eventually, his words become his own voice again and he begins to slow down with shouting. Until he hunches over a little and Hopper can let go of holding him, the lights stop flickering. I let out a silent sigh, turning to Mike.

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