Chapter 1

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Chanyeol lifts his head and brushes off the dust sticking to his cheek, he groans and wonders what the hell he's doing on a dusty floor.

"What are you doing in my porch?"

Chanyeol shrieked and jerked his head abrubtly only to crash into something hard, a head apparently, he turned around to see a fair boy rubbing his head with a look of annoyance.

"I'm really sorry" Chanyeol stuttered

"i-i really don't know where i am"

"Where you drinking last night?! You know we can't do that, if the officers ever caught you with booze or something they would most likely beat you up hyung"

" Man what are you talking about, first of all i wasn't drinking, second,even if i was i wouldn't be in 'trouble' like you said, and third, what officers?"

"Okay, now i'm 100% sure you're drunk" the boy grabbed chanyeol by his shirt

"C'mon i'll let you use my shower, take a cold bath and clear your mind man. You need it"

Chanyeol walked with the boy, a flummoxed expression on his face

-what's wrong with this dude...-

He went by a weird looking machine close to a table;he cocked an eyebrow and wondered how is it that he ended up in this dudes house, it was so weird

"Umm..." Chanyeol muttered

"Okay hyung just make sure not to puke in my tub okay? That would be really gross"

a door opened by it's own and a small bathroom was revealed. It had the basics a tub, toilet, sink and some kind of keyboard attached to the wall.

"What's that?"

"What's what" the boy asked

"That thingy attached to the wall"

The guy raised his eyebrows

"That my dear..." He gestured with his hands


"Right.Chanyeol. THAT in case you've forgotten is a HousePadTX you must have one at home. I'm Oh Sehun by the way, but just call me Sehun"

"A HousePadTX..?" Chanyeol muttered to himself. "What the fu-"

"I'll leave you here, take your time i'll be in the kitchen preparing something in the food printer"

Sehun walked out of the room and the door shutted closed by itself

Chanyeol scrunched up his nose in confusion

"Food printer?"


Chanyeol was now standing out of the shower with a freaked out expression on his face. It turns out he didn't know how to use this weird shower and it ended up throwing boiling hot water at first and then chilly water and in a failed attempt to regulate the temperatures chanyeol started clicking random buttons on the 'HousePadTX' but it only made things worse.

"I need to get out of here" Chanyeol blew a puff of air and searched for a mirror in the compact bathroom, only to find none. He sighed heavily and dragged a hand across his moist face took his clothes from the stand and changed into them.

Then he Wondered how the hell it was that you opened the goddamn door. It turned out that it opened by itself somehow. He peeked his head out into the hallway and wondered were Sehun was

-somewhere with his 'food printer' i guess-

He shrugged and went back the way he came from, he didn't think he would be able to stand another moment in that weird place. He tiptoed by the entrance and went through the door closing it behind him. When he turned around he found himself in some kind of alien world, the streets where dull and gray and tall building filled the landscape, no color, no trees, nothing pretty to brighten up the eye. Chanyeol was confused and his jaw hung low while he took in everything

"Man here you are, you can't be outside right now, are you crazy?!" Sehun walked down the front steps with a concerned look on his face taking Chanyeol by the arm

"Wait, what happened here Sehun? Why is everything so horrendous"

"Did history unit teach you nothing? The war of 2040, that happened"

" WAR OF 2040, what year are we in?"

Sehun replied slowly to Chanyeol's question


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