Chapter 5

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Kyungsoo found a little spot for Chanyeol at the end of the house, somewhere that could be hard to spot if any officer decided to check the house.
It was pretty tiny for him being extremely tall but it worked.
The space had a small plushy matress, a lamp that came from kyungsoo's room and a pillow given by Sehun.
Chanyeol was adjusting himself in the small space when Kyungsoo popped in.

"Hey there" Chanyeol greeted

"Hey" Kyungsoo smiled softly "i'm really sorry about the space but, we really can't risk it"
"Don't worry this is great, a lot better than the porch i woke up in" They both chuckled in unison

"What do you think happened to you, i mean, how did you wind up here"

"I really have no idea" Chanyeol scratched the back of his head and sighed
"Well, we'll try to figure that out somehow" Kyungsoo placed his small hand on Chanyeol's back. "try to get some rest"
He then hoisted himself up and waved at the oversized men in the small bed
"Goodnight Kyungsoo"

"Goodnight Chanyeol" Kyungsoo said over his shoulder as the lights flicked off.
"NIGHTS HYUNG" was heard, it was Sehun from the other room.
Chanyeol smiled and layed his head on the pillow drifting off to sleep.
When chanyeol woke up the house was totally silent except for some buzzing coming from the kitchen. He got up and checked the house for any signs of Sehun or Kyungsoo but they were nowhere to be seen
"They must be at work" Chanyeol shrugged
He went over to the kitchen and tried to figure out where the food was but failed miserably, the kitchen had no gabinets or a fridge, no microwave. Just this big gray block of metal, which emitted a soft montone hum
-i guess that's where the noise comes from-he wondered
He fiddle with the big block trying to see the controlers in the machine. He guessed being the only utensile in the kitchen, that that was the thing that made whatever crappy food he ate yesterday.
"OUCH" he yelped when his finger got stuck in a tiny hole causing a small wound on it , he sucked on it trying to ease the pain when he heard a low chuckle behind him
He turned around startled and saw Kyungsoo laughing at him
"I can see you struggling" he dropped his duffel bag onto the wood panelled floor and approached Chanyeol.
"Let me see that" he took his finger to check the wound inspecting it carefully with his huge puppy eyes, the wound was bleeding but it was manageable.
"I can fix this, AND your hunger too" he smiled and disappeared into the bathroom, coming out with a white metal box. Chanyeol stared at him while he fiddled with the first aid kit, amused by this short cute boy.
-He's nice- he thought. A pang of pain in his wound snapped him from his drooling state. It was the damn rubbing alcohol Kyungsoo was pouring on his finger
"Aa~~!" He tried retrieving his finger but Kyungsoo had a hard grip on his index.
"Hold still Chanyeol, if not i won't be able to do this right" Kyungsoo said as he knitted his eyebrows together in concentration(which made him look extremely cute)
After applying some weird things AND a band aid(which Chanyeol asked for) the wound was completely taken care of
"There you go"
"Thanks" Chanyeol said, slightly embarassed
"No biggie, now, you're hungry aren't you?"
Chanyeol nodded his head quickly as his eyes widened, earning a cute laugh from Do.
"Okay, i'll show you how to use the food printer. Remember i won't always be here to help, today you were just lucky"
the food printer food wasn't Chanyeol's favorite.It was sorta tasteless and mushy and Kyungsoo agreed but he also said that it contained all of the nutrients they needed in order to stay healthy.
"So, what did you do over there. In the past i mean"
"I was in college, studying electronics"
"College? We don't have that anymore, we just get assigned a job and little by little you master whatever it is you have to do"
"What's your job?"
"I'm a medical assistant, started that job about seven years ago, i do like it though"
That's why he took care of Chanyeol's wound, i mean, yes it was a small wound but it was something.
"Is life over there nice?"
"Huh?" Chanyeol turned to look at Do
"Yes, it is"
Kyungsoo looked at the floor for some seconds, nodding curtly and then got up and walked out of the room.
-Did i say something wrong?- Chanyeol wondered
Kyungsoo sat on his soft bed while thinking about how life must've been in those times. That's what uppsetted him the most, he was stuck in this place with a totalitarian government, unable to do what he wanted to do. He liked being a medical assistent of course- but he wished he could be more than that at times. But it seemed kind of impossible in this place
Maybe by helping Chanyeol he could find a way out.
Maybe if he found the answer on how he got here, he could go to those times.

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