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After getting the two young ones to bed, I made my way out to the living room to check on the kids but surprisingly they weren't in there. So I went into the loft and saw neither of them before heading back down towards Henry's room. I softly opened the door before peeking in and seeing the TV on to Supernatural. I stood there and saw them both not really cuddled up but were on their sides, almost back to back. I was amused at how quickly both parties knocked out.

I knew since Henry was a little out of her headspace yesterday and didn't get a chance to pack for her competition tomorrow i would, so I went into her room at 1:55am and began packing her clothes and makeup out before setting an outfit for her to wear. When I was done and had the car packed with even Brady's stuff, his mom came and Tricia and I had a glass of wine with me before she went to help me pack the car up some more.

After putting Henry's stuff on the charger and as well as Brady's I went and got Tricia as they were cuddling and not back to back like before. She smiled and we had our own mini photoshoot.

"Do you think they're a couple?" Trivia asked and I closed the door after the TV and her computer were off and would stay off. I took a deep breath before nodding. "I definitely think somethings going on." I replied and after sending the pictures to the Mom chat we headed to bed.


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I was awoken from my dream of being, Mrs.Farrar, --Don't judge when I heard a door slam shut and a body move close to mine. My eyes flickered open and I saw I was in my moms car with my head on Brady and my head on his shoulder. We had a long discussion and decided to tell the team after competitions today.


"Oh come on, Lydia is so underrated. Like do you seriously believe that she wasn't a great role model?" Brady asked sitting on his legs and looking into my soul. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek turning him tomato red. "I think she needs to work on her looks." I shot back looking at the way my hair was and saw it was down to my lower back and really, really curly. "No she doesn't. The actor who plays her though." He said slyly. "Mhm, what about Sabrina's Carpenters younger doppleganger?" I said referring to myself and S.C. "Hmm. I think. I think." He said while rubbing his chin and pretending to think. "Oh just say it." I said throwing a pillow. Catching the pillow he stifled a laugh and nudged me with his shoulder as he said, "She is absolutely beautiful and is a very great girlfriend." He says and when he called me his girlfriend a shiver or two went down my spine. "Girlfriend?" I aksed and he blushed deeply again. "Yeah." He said taking my hands and sitting closer to me. "Henry Islene Morgan, Lydia Aliyah Winchester and Hannah Marie Dixon would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" He asked and i immediately jumped into his arns squeezing onto him. "Yes of course. It's official."  I said and he kissed my forehead and I chuckled to myself at him calling me all those names and stuff, I've guest starred in. We fell asleep holding hands facing different sides of the bedroom. "I love you, Henry." He said. "I love you too, Brady." I said before dozing off.

I was ripped from my flashback as a hand waved in my face. I realized I was in my nike pro shorts and sweatpants on top of them and then a night jacket, ugg boots and a cropped sweatshirt. "Earth to princess Henry?" Brady said and I snapped completely out of it and looked at him. "We tried waking you but, your mom was right. You are a deep sleeper. And quite light might I add." He said and got out of the car to go inside. "Dork." I said giggling and shaking my head.

Once I stepped into the ALDC I went straight to the dancers den to go and brush my teeth and change. I know very unsanitary but eh. Whatever.

I got dressed into some appropriate for dance rehearsal clothing. Once I had tied my hair off into its natural ponytail I walked into Studio A and began a little not of stretching.

We began group dance rehearsals and running the solos, the group dance was done and after being corrected we headed out to the bus

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We began group dance rehearsals and running the solos, the group dance was done and after being corrected we headed out to the bus.

Of course me and Brady sat together watching our shows all cuddled up together until we eventually have fallen asleep. Ah, Henry Islene Morgan- Farrar! Me likey!

Third P.O.V

Henry and Brady have both fallen asleep at the back of the bus and everyone was either talking or asleep themselves to notice.

"Oh my God guys look." Said Pressley and everyone followed where she was looking and saw they newly youbh couple asleep and cuddled together. "Oh I definitely need a picture." Stacey said and she and everyone else got up and began snapping pictures of Brenry. "They're definitely my favorite couple." GiaNina said and everyone laughed.

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