vii. You're my person.

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The next morning, Sherlock woke up to silence

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The next morning, Sherlock woke up to silence. Absolute silence. Usually on a weekday like this one, he would wake up to Rosie crying, or John stomping about his bedroom upstairs, getting ready for work. But today; nothing. And he was thankful for that silence. Although he had a case, he stayed in bed for a least an hour, before he slowly got up and made his way to the kitchen to make some coffee. Of course, he wasn't going to eat anything, that would be stupid. He was on a case. Sherlock then walked into the living room, expecting to find John and Rosie there, but they were no where to be seen. Sherlock just assumed that they had gone out, but then heard John getting out of bed. He looked at the clock above the mirror, and saw that it was only 6:33am. I really didn't get enough sleep, he thought.

After about 5 minutes of Sherlock sat in his chair, drinking coffee, staring into nothingness, John came moping down the stairs with a sleepy Rosie in his arms. "I did not get enough sleep last night. That bloody package... I swear." He started to mutter incoherent things, which Sherlock just ignored, as always. When John had finished feeding Rosie, he handed her off to Sherlock, who took her to get dressed while John got himself ready for work. Sherlock actually enjoyed dressing Rosie, and they would pick out her outfits together, and sometimes Sherlock even let Rosie help him pick out his outfits, of course with guidance by him. Over the course of her so far - short life, Rosie had become quite clever, considering the fact that she had Mary for a mother, and Sherlock as her second father - basically. Anyone could see that she was more advanced than the normal toddler. Once he had finished getting her ready, he carried her down the stairs and into the living room, where John was ready, waiting to take her her to school, and then head off to work.

For the past couple of weeks, they had gotten into a routine, and one that surprisingly didn't drive Sherlock up the walls with boredom. It actually worked quite well, and it seemed as though they had 'quite the little family going on' according to Mrs. Hudson. Of course, they both kept having to remind the old lady that neither of them were gay, and that they most certainly weren't together, but ever since last Christmas, where Sherlock and John had to take part in an embarrassing game of seven minutes in heaven, she couldn't seem to let go of the fact that something had happened in that closet. But, of course, nothing had happened. Instead, when the door opened, the only thing that Molly saw was both of them looking down at some papers of their latest case that Sherlock had managed to smuggle in so that they would have something to keep themselves occupied. Sherlock was pointing his phone's flashlight in the direction of the stack when Molly flung the door open, hoping to catch them in the act. Everyone was at least a little disappointed when they found out that nothing had happened.

Sherlock waved both John and Rosie off as they exited the flat, and then walked over to the window to watch them walk down the street, Rosie skipping along the pavement while holding John's hand, and Sherlock had to admit that even he found that sweet. He smiled to himself, watching as the two figures walked off out of sight, and then turned around and started for his bedroom to go and get ready. When he walked in, he noticed that he had left his phone on the wooden beside table on charge, so he walked around his bed, picking up his phone from the surface. He clicked the black lock button on the side and held the screen to his face (a/n: Snazzy, I know, but imagine being his phone, scanning his face everyday). Upon opening his phone, he saw that he had a notification for twitter, so he clicked the icon and waited for the app to load. When it finally did, it said that Melody had tweeted. Pressing on it, he read what she had written.


William better get his ass over here ASAP, I'm having withdrawals!

7:49AM - 06/08/19 - Twitter for iPhone

He chuckled at her tweet, knowing that he was the only one who really knew what she meant. He decided to send her a quick text to tell her that he was on his way over. Sherlock didn't know why responded to her every beck and call, but he didn't mind doing it. There was no one that he had liked spending time with more, than Melody. Of course, there was John, but he was different.

Hey, Love. I'll be over in 10 minutes. -SH

After he sent the text, he got himself dressed into his purple shirt, which he thought about buying a new one of, but then decided against it, remembering what Melody said about her liking how tight it was (a/n: I know what you're thinking, dirty minded people!!). He also remembered how much they had both blushed after she had said that, so much that he was even blushing thinking about it. When he finished getting ready, he strode into the living room, chucked on his coat and scarf, and walked down the stairs and outside, where he was pleasantly surprised by the fact that it was snowing, and he knew that Melody would be loving it.

He started thinking about some of the things that they could do that day. Since he started spending more time with Melody, he started rejecting some smaller cases, no longer needing to keep himself occupied by work every single minute of the day. It was a surprise to both John and Lestrade when he had turned down a Level 8 case, making the excuse that he wasn't in the right frame of mind to solve it, when in reality, it was because he had made plans with Melody already.

He started off on the short walk to Melody's house, stuffing his hands inside his pockets to try and conserve some warmth. When he got to the apartment building, he took his keys out of his pocket and put the key that she gave him into the lock, ad unlocked the main door. Melody heard the main door unlock, so she waltzed over to her front door and opened it. When she saw Sherlock stood there, covered in snow, she gave as squeal of delight, ran over to the window and threw her curtains open to reveal that it was in fact snowing.

Sherlock chuckled at her, while he stepped inside her flat and closed the door behind him. He took off his coat, scarf and shoes, and then walked over to the same window that Melody was stood in front of. She eventually looked up at him with a smile on her face, and turned to hug him. Usually, Sherlock wouldn't condone this type of physical affection, but he had to admit that Melody had changed him. When they broke apart, Melody walked into the kitchen to make them some tea, while Sherlock sat down on the sofa where Charlie was sleeping. When he sat down, he accidentally woke the dog up, which was when he noticed Sherlock, and proceeded to jump all over him.

Sherlock chucked at the dog, while petting him and trying to calm him down. Eventually, Charlie settled down on his lap, when Melody walked out of the kitchen with two cups of tea. She handed one to Sherlock while sitting down next to him, stroking her beloved pet in the process. Sherlock and Melody spent only an hour talking, when she suggested that they go out. Sherlock could see that she was excited to go and play in the snow, so he agree, no matter how cold it was.

After all, Melody basically had him wrapped around her little finger, and she didn't even know it.


Hello everyone!

I don't do many of these authors notes, mainly because these are pre-written chapters, but I just thought I would let you know that the chapters leading up to act 2 are going to be shorter than previous ones, because they are just the months leading up to the events in act 2.

But although this is the case, these last few chapters in Act 1 are still going to be very, very important, especially for the progression of Sherlock and Melody's relationship, so it is worth reading them to make sure that you don't miss out on important things! 😉

If I tried to make these chapters longer, then they would just drone on about the same boring things happening, so i'll try to keep them short and sweet.

Thank you for reading! 😘


Another note from me after publishing this - there isn't going to be an act two, the book will just go up to chapter 15, and then soon after, a sequel will be published! 🙂

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