School Days

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Hi i'm Jasmine, i'm 20 years old, i'm in college i love dancing, i can rap, i am friend with Jaemin and Haechan... Jaemin is my childhood friend and Haechan i just met him at school with Jaemin, Mark Lee one of the guys i hate, Wanna now the bullies? Well the Leader is Mark, Taeyong, Lucas, Johnny and Jaehyun... Jaehyun is not a bully but because of Mark and Taeyong they force him to join them, Jaehyung is not Bullying anyone he dislike it, am i talking much Jaehyun? Opss did you notice i have a crush on him? >///< gosh i'm blushing...

Mark Lee Has been my bully since Highschool i didn't know why he is bullying me

It's almost time before class so i have time to do something or go anywhere i want to, But first let me find my friend Jaemin, Haechan, Kaila and Kelly did i mention that I have a twin? My twin brother is Jacob yeah i know he is a minute older than me he is friends with the bullies or some called the heartthrob of this fucking school i am fricking finding my friends and i dont mind finding my bullshit brother he is a poop anyway -_-

I saw Jaemin in the canteen so i decided to talk to him

(Authors note: Korean will be in a normal text, English in Italic text, Chinese in Bold text, and Japanese in Underline text)

"Hey Nana :P" i called him and giggled

"Oh hi there Shortie XD" he said he is annoying me with shortie stuff like tiny he is a peice of shit but i love him, i come closer to him

"Wow you look so short" he laugh i kicked his foot   "Oh Fuc--" before he says anything i shuted his mouth

"Hey Jaemin sorry ok and please stop calling me shortie ^_^" i apologize and made a puppy eyes

"Gosh your cute stop it ok apology accepted" He said and pinched my cheeks

"Well let's go to class"


While we're walking i started asking him question

"How come your in chollage when your only 19?"

"Well i started class early so that's why we are classmate and your just 1 year older than me you have the same age with Mark Hyung"

"Wait what? Mark Lee as in The bully?"

"Yes, he is not bad when get close to him he is really kind"

"No way i am not going to be friends with him that dick head >:ㅣ"

A sudden quite after what i said after a while we saw the dick heads bully well not jaehyun >////<

I bumped into Jaehyun

"S-Sorry'' i said

"It's ok" He said and lended me a hand
I can't believe i am holding his hand like right now

"Hey Jeamin" He called out Jaemin

"Yes hyung?" Jaemin ask

"Is she your Grilfriend? Congrats"

"What no hyung we're just friend he likes someone" he said and pointed at him and said "Hyung it's you she likes you" he giggled

"What?? Na Jae Min you better run" i chased him

"Shortie stop chasing me" he said and i'm still chasing him

"Stop calling me shortie" i said and i'm still chasing him

We're running around the school until we got back to where we been

"Hyung she is chasing" Jaemin said to Jaehyun and hide on his back


"Chill little dude" Lucas said

"Hyung i wouldn't call her like if i where you" jaemin said

"Hey you Lucas what did you just call me?" I said

"Hyung you better hide" jaemin said


"He became something you don't know about her"

Yeah so that happends i kinda slap his face and he got mad about it and i said sorry after a while Mark is just silenced i didn't know why

Time skipped

Wow that was fast it's already time to go home and i didn't saw haechan, Kaila, Kelly, Jacob nor Jane i didn't mention jane huh... Well Jane she is my one of my friend she has a huge crush on Haecha well Haechan is just Haechan i mean i don't know anything duhhh

I got home early since we are dismissed early just like that i ate dinner, Took a shower then i slept

Part One is Done hehe hope you enjoy reading the story make sure to leave a vote before i forget text messages are also in italic text

My Bully Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now