His Tutor

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(A/N: Hey guys i'm lazy so i'm just going to skip time)


So yah school again i hate school but i hate Mark more i love school when Jaehyun is around *^-^*

"Jasmine-ahh" someone called me

"Oh Jane hi" i waved at her did i mentioned that i am half? Well i'm half Korean half American my mom is an american citizen my father a korean citizen i can speak and understand Chinese and Japanese ^-^

"How are you?" She asked

"I'm doing great you?"

"I'm good also... It's been a long time since we last talk since i just saw you today and where not even classmates it's ok to me atleast i saw you again"

"Wow you talk to much now"

"I change because of my boyfriend"

Wait what? She has a Boyfriend now? How come i didn't know

"Babe!!.." a familiar voice called Jane

"Oh babe" she said

"Yuta??" Wow Yuta? As in Nakamoto Yuta??

"Oh Jasmine How are you?" He asked

"Fine How about you?"

"I'm doing great with my Girlfriend over here... How are you and Jae--" i shout his mouth before he said anything

"Hyung stop it don't tell anyone"

"Wait you guys know each other?" Jane asked

"Yes why? She has a huge crush with one of my gang" Yuta answered

"What the Fuck Hyung"

"Guys stop fighting"

"Ok babe for you" he said and kissed Jane lips

"Ewww >_<"

"Bitter" Jane said

*Bell Rings*

"I better go back now bye Jane bye Hyung see you later"

"Bye" they both said and i waved at them

Moments Later

Ughhh~~ Hate my life hate Mark hate everyone except Jaehyun i remember yesterday i held his hand *^-^*

"Mr. Lee Min Hyung you here?" The teacher said

"What now?" He said

"Mr. Lee Your attitude"

"What with my attitude?"

"Tsk Just shut your dick mounth for a minute" she said and Mark is in silenced "thank you gezz... Listen ok... Your Grades are pretty low you are skipping and failing your classes you need to be tutor"

"Wait what? I don't a Tutor Mrs. Kim"

"You need" she stop for a little "Ms. Park Jas Mine?"

"Ms?" I raised my hand

"Could you come here for a minute?"

I came closer to her as she said to me

"Ms. Park you need to tutor him cause you are the highest in the class and he his the lowest so need to tutor him"

"What Ms?" I asked are you guys confused? With Ms? Well even though she is married she is going to be called ms for all teachers

"Ms. We sourdough hate each other" we bothe said

"My mind isn't going to change and you need to get close to each other from now on you may get back to your set"

We got back to our sit..........Great Just great i am now the tutor of him ughh worse day ever

Time Past By

Ahh recess my favorite time :P i can eat anything what i want and i can do anything since it's recess

"Hey Jaemin's Girlfriend" she shouted at me

"First of all Jaemin is not my Boyfriend second stop calling me that Third what do you want?" I said in anger

"Chill... Geez sorry ok i didn't know" he apologized

Wow it's the first time he apologized to someone like that he's not that bad after all but he kepts bullying me

"Wow i'm surpirsed" i giggled

"For what?" He asked

"You apologized to someone like me"

"Amm even i'm a bully i am apologizing i am not a bad bully"

"Hmm" i hummed

"Let's Just go" he said and drag me outside

"Yow Mark Lee is she your girlfriend?" A boy asked


shoot Jhonny hyung found out

"Oh my Mark why are holding her hand?" Lucas said

Shoot the whole squad found out

"Umm guys let m--" i was cut of my Jaehyun

"Wait is that? Jaemin's Girlfriend? Why are with him Are you cheating on Jaemin?" Jaehyun said

I looked and Jasmine and she started to get angry

"FIRST OF ALL JAEMIN IS NOT BOYFRIEND SECOND I AM NOT GOING TO DATE YOUR DICK HEAD LEADER MARK THIRD I AM NOT CHEATING ON ANYONE FOURTH I LIKE YOU JAEHYUN!!!" She shouted and she got silenced "Oh Fuch shit ughh shit shit shit" she said i think she slip her tongue "I'm sorry, I'm Sorry"

"It's ok i know it on the first place" Jaehyun said

Why am i Jealous don't tell i like Jasmine ughh head stop it

"How?" She asked

"Jaemin told me"

"Ugh i should have known''

"Chill girl" Taeyong said "wanna join our club?"

What hyung? Your going to let a nerd in our club well a pretty nerd by the way ughh head stop it

"Yeah sure i'm in" she said

"Cool your in" Taeyong said and high five her Jaehyun, Jhonny, and Lucas did the same thing

"Just one thing" Taeyong added

"Hmm? What is it?" She asked

"Are you willing to bully someone?"

"What no i'm not bully like you guys"

"Chill girl we're just joking even though we bully you we're sorry for doing that"

"Apology accepted let me introduce my self" she bowed "Hi i'm Park Jasmine you can call me Jas or anything just not tiny nor shortie you now what i do"

"Ok wanna skip class?" Taeyong ask


School is done and we decided to go home best day ever for me

Hi guys another story done it's very long hope you guys like it

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