Getting Close (Part 2) [Friday]

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"Gosh You like me" she giggled


Let me make fun of him for a while
"Yah Mark Lee Is it true that you like me?" I shouted

"Yah Jasmine" he shouted

"Yah Mark" i imitated him

"Jasmine don't make me tell Jaehyun that you like him"

"Wait what?? Please don't"

"Ok i won't"

"Yieee i'm so thank you" i ran to him and hugged him

"Uhh this is awkward" he said

"Opss i got carried away sorry" i let go of our hugged and after a while we saw Kaila and Jhonny again i think the two are dating

"Hey i saw them again let's talk to them" i said

"Umm wait..." before he said anything i walk towards them

"Jasmine you serious?" He asked

"Yesssss" i replied

"Kaila~ahhh" i called

"Oh Jasmine what are you doing here? With Mark?!?" She asked

"Uhh yeah he asked me to hang out" i said awkwardly "and you why are you with Jhonny?"

"Why do you know him?"

''I'm a member of their Gang the only girl"


"And What Kaila?"


"Mind telling me what's with you two?"

"Me and Jhonny?"

"Uh no You and that kid over there duh Ofcourse you and Jhonny -_-!"

"Ummm well we---" she was cutted off by Jhonny

"We're Dating" he said

"Oh ok... wait wutttt????"

"I just said that we're dating what's wrong with that?"


"And Mark What are you doing here?"

"I'm with Jasmine"

"So Mark Lee Your Dating Jasmine your cr---" he was cutted by Mark

"Hahaha Very funny hyung"

"Oh you do like me" I said

"What no"

"Stop pretending Mark Lee we all know that you like me"

"Ok fine what if i really like you will you like me back?"

"It depends if you ask me to be your Girlfriend" i said in chinese

"Oh really Jasmine you like him back?" kaila asked

"You understand me?"

"Yeah i speak in chinese also"

"Hey guys you know that we can't understand you right?" Mark ask

"We don't care" we both said

"I thought you like Jaehyun?" She asked

"Well Mark Lee has been good to me lately that's why i started to like him"

"Ahhhh i see" she said and Hummed

"Are you guys telling secret to each other?" Jhonny asked

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