Fake BoyFriend

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Arghhh i hate this day well it's just for to day imma just take the risk of it I mean how bad It can be? 

"Yah mark Lee?" I asked

"Mwo?" he answered

"we better have a call sign right now"

"What about you call me bae i call you baby?" He asked

"Ok sure Mork" i giggled

"It's bae baby not Mork" he said

"Yah My parents are not her yet so i can call you what ever i want asshole"

"Sure but i want to call you baby until the end''

"Fuck you"

"Love u too baby" he said and giggled i rolled just rolled my eyes and aimed at Jhonny who is looking at Kaila? And Kaila is looking at John a staring contest? Or are they really madly inlove with each other? My phone suddenly buzzed it's a text from my mom


Ne? Eomma?

We're almost there is your bf ready?

Ne eomma but my house isn't

It's ok clean it right now

Eomma i'm to lazy

Just clean your house

Ugh fine eomma

Your friends can help to you know

Araso eomma

Be there in an minute sarranghe

Nado sarranghe eomma

Shit i forgot that my mom is coming at my house


"Geez so loud" Jane said

"Guys come on my mom is about to come she will kill us all if my house is not clean"

They all standed up and get every cleaning accessory in the house

"mark lee you get ready here's some clothes you can wear" i said and handed the clothes

"mark lee you get ready here's some clothes you can wear" i said and handed the clothes

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This is what he's wearing

"And you Jas wear this" Jane said and handed me some clothes

"Ok thanks and thank you guys for helping me clean" i said and run into my room to change

"Ok thanks and thank you guys for helping me clean" i said and run into my room to change

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This is my Outfit today arghh to girly... i stepped out of my room and headed down stairs and everyone is looking at me

"Woh Jas looking good" Lucas said

"Wow Jas is this really you?" Jane asked

"Yeah Jas you looked really girly today" Kaila Said

"I dare you to wear skirt all day in school until the school year ends" Kaila said

"Whattt? I'm in a gang then i'm gonna wear a skirt?" I asked

"Well it is ok Baby you can wear skirts as the assistant leader of the gang i allowed you to wear skirts and kaila

"What the fvck? My parents are not here yet" i said

"I can call you what ever i want baby" he teased me again

"Fvck you" i said then rolled my eyes

"Love you too baby" he replied

"Tsk" i said then walked away

Minutes later my parents arrived at the house and as expected they wanted to see mark my fake boyfriend

"Hey sweetie mind introducing me to them?" My mom asked

"Ah forgot about that" i said then introduced them after i introduced them they came back upstair form where my room at and leaving me mark and my parents

"Mom please take a sit" i said

"So what's his name?" She asked

"I'm Lee Mark ma'am" Mark said then gave a little bow

"Aww what a gentleman" my mom said

Mom that boy is a bitch

"So how did you guys met?" My dad asked

"Well dad he was Jaemin Friend, Jaemin Introduce me to him but i didn't like him then because i like his other friend His name is Jaehyun, but I think jaehyun doesn't like me HEHE, then there is mark being annoying as hell then i began to tutor him until we got close, then here we are being In a relationship" I said

"Pardon me, but auntie, uncle if you would like me to tell you the story of how i met jasmine i would love to tell you the story" Mark said

The heck are you doing? Mark?

"Well we are ready" my mom said

To Be Continue....


Hey there guys sorry for not updating the story i've been busy so hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe love you all

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