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"Well it all started back at highschool i was her bully because i was attracted to her she was so pretty, i kept bullying her until one day i realized that bullying her made me love her most, but not for long i known that she likes Jaehyun so i didn't bother hooking up with her but now i want to be with her forever" i said

I saw Jasmine Blushed might as well make this real then

"oh how sweet of you" Her mom said then smiled at me and Jasmine


Minutes passed my mom and dad said their good byes then left the house they we're going to another Business trip tomorrow

We went back to the room changed our clothes then started chatting with our friends

"Soo~ is it true mark?" Lucas asked

"About what?" he asked

"That you really like Jasmine?"

"Uhuh" he said then noded

Bitch why? Why mark why?

"Uhh HEHE" i said awkwardly

"Tell us more mark" Kaila Said

"Well since Highschool i had laid my eyes on Jas, but i can't tell her cause i am really shy on confessing my feelings"

"Aww our shy little mark tell us more" jhonny said

"Then became her bully why? Because they said when you like a person you always give that person so much attention but this bitch didn't even notice that i liked her"

"Well i'm sorry!" I said then looked in another direction

"So how's the pretending?" Kyla asked

"It was an 101% from my mom and an 99% form my dad he said Mark looked dumbed"

"Hey I'm not dumb" he said

"Yes you are mark" i said then giggled "so anyways I'm bored wanna watch movie?"

"Yes" the 9 people said

After watching the movie

Every one was asleep except for me and Mark was sleeping on my shoulder I didn't know what to do. Instead of waking him up i decided not to I'll just wait till he wakes up

Suddenly Kaila woke up then looked at us

"Hey" she whispered to me

"What?" I whispered back

"Why is mark sleeping on your shoulder?"

"He fell asleep i didn't want to wake him up so yah here he is sleeping on my shoulder"

"The ship will sail Jas, the ship will sail" she said

"Shut the fck up he's sleeping i mean everyone is sleeping" wtf self?!

"Ehe kk imma go down stairs to prepare food be right back love birds"

Kaila said then stood up to go down and prepared foods

Minutes past i feel asleep without noticing...



My Bully Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now