Wanna go swimming?

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"You want to go for a walk?" Lance asked after the movie finished.

"Please. Being in the same position for that long was not great for my legs," Pidge laughed. "Isn't this a boy's night? Shouldn't we be out getting pissed?"

"Last time we tried that with you, you bought Pepsi."

"Fair enough. You're right."
"Me? Right? When?" Lance said, teasing him for that comment.

They grabbed their sweaters from the hooks next to the dorm door.

"Just a sec. " Pidge ran into their room and did who knows what, emerging in the sweater.


"Yep," he said, smiling. "Let's go."

The two walked out of the door talking about anything and everything. Eventually Pidge got too warm and took off his sweater, tying it around his waist.

As they were walking through campus, they came across Lotor and his cronies sitting at a fountain. When they saw Pidge, they strutted over like the snobs they were.

"Hey Shorty. Is this your help to reach things on the top shelf?" Lotor said. "Though, judging by your supplies in class, you probably can't afford a house. Alas, you wouldn't be capable of hiring someone to do things for you. Unlike me."

"Shut up Lotor, or trust me by the end of this conversation you won't have all your body parts attached," Pidge snapped in response.

"Oh, you wanna make threats? I don't make threats. I take action," he said. "Wanna go swimming?"

As if they knew what he was thinking, Zethrid and Sendak picked Pidge up. Before Lance could do anything, Pidge was tossed into the fountain. He stood up, sopping wet. To Lance's surprise, he saw something black under Pidge's white shirt. The shirt had cinched to his torso, revealing a very feminine shape.

"Pidge?" he questioned. He — she? — jumped out of the fountain, pulled on her sweater, and ran down the street, in the direction of the dorms. Lotor and his gang had been too busy laughing at her misfortune, and walking away to pay any attention to her and Lance.


She ran into the dorm and slammed the door behind her. She ran into the room and sat on the floor, not bothering to change. A couple minutes later she heard a light knock.

When she didn't answer, Lance opened the door and sat with her. He opened his arms and she tossed herself into them, fighting the urge to cry. Lance was getting more and more soaked as they sat there in silence.

"Wanna talk about it?" asked Lance.

"I'm fine." Lance tucked a piece of wet hair behind her ear as she stared at the smudged glasses in her hands.

She sighed and told him the whole story, including how Keith and Hunk had found out.

"I'm sorry," she said sheepishly. "I lied to you. I even had enough audacity to sleep in your bedroom. "

"Oh, Pidge. It was all for something. Don't worry about it. I won't say anything. Hell, walk around in your waitress uniform if you want!"

She raised her eyebrows.  "You mean 'please walk around in your uniform?'"

"No-but I wouldn't mind. No-none of us would." Pidge just laughed. Keith walked through the front door.

"Lance? Pidge?" he called

"In the bedroom," Pidge called back.

"How was your boys ni-'" Keith's jaw dropped when he walked in, seeing Pidge, sopping wet on the floor.

"What the hell happened to you?" he said, very concerned.

"Uh." Pidge looked down again in shame, and Lance explained what had happened.

"So you're part of the Secret Club now, huh?" Keith said to Lance once he had finished the story.

"Heh, yeah, I guess so."

Pidge emerged from the bedroom after changing out of her wet clothes and pulling on comfortable clothing.

Lance blushed and turned away when he saw her in light green shorts and his blue sweater.

"Sorry Lance, mines soaked. Hope you don't mind."

"Nope not at all. Just no perfume." he said "I don't feel like trying to flirt with girls while smelling like one," he laughed.

"It can only smell like your cheap cologne, right?" Pidge teased.

He and Keith were sitting on the couch, so she padded over and flopped across the two. Lance looked down in surprise, and Keith didn't even look away from the television.

"Is this a no?" she asked.

"No," he squeaked a little to quickly. "That's fine."

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