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March 1st, 2015

Clementine sighed and pulled into a parking space in front of the venue. Today was the first day of tour rehearsals, and she didn't know what to expect.

Would she see Tyler? Would they have to practice together? Or at different times? Before she could get too lost in her thoughts she heard a car honk from behind her.

Clementine frowned and poked her head out of the window, rolling her eyes when she saw Tyler leaning out of a white McClaren. "Yo, that's my spot!" He said.

She didn't have time for this shit today.

Clementine pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the bullshit she was about to be faced with. She pulled her keys out of the ignition and got out, walking up to him with a frown on her face.

"It isn't specially reserved for you. I got here first." She told him.

Tyler hopped out the car through the window. "I need to park there...my car is too special to be parked with everybody else's."

"Are you five? Why does it matter where you're parked? It's not like there isn't a hundred other cars out there like yours." Clementine crossed her arms over her chest.

"There isn't other cars out there like mine. This is special edition!" He exclaimed.

Clementine stared at him with a blank face.

"And besides. It's my tour, so I can park wherever the fuck I wanna park. Move." Tyler said, towering over her.

She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "If it's your tour you should've gotten your ass here earlier."

She couldn't believe he was trying to fight with her over a parking spot. He was too old to be this childish. Thankfully, a white man with a beard came outside before their mini argument could escalate.

"Tyler, Clementine, there you are! Get inside, we've been waiting for you two." He told them. He looked at Clementine and smiled. "I'm Clancy, I'm Tyler's manager."

She sent him a smile. "Hey. I was just coming inside." Clementine stuck her tongue out at Tyler before following Clancy.

"Clementine, move yo fuckin' car!" She heard Tyler yell from behind her. She ignored him and kept walking.

"So you're the infamous Clementine." Clancy joked.


He nodded. "Tyler really likes your music."

That was the second time someone had told her that, and she felt pretty bad that she'd never bothered to check out his music. She made a mental note to listen to him later.

Walking into the venue filled Clementine with a bunch of different emotions at once. She was definitely nervous, but also excited and hopeful.

"This is where you'll be rehearsing." Clancy pointed towards a large room with big glass mirrors all over the walls.

She nodded and walked in, immediately being greeted by a band. The bassist, who was at least 6'5, held out his hand to greet her. "Hey, I'm Noah."

"Hey." Clementine said and avoided eye contact. He was definitely attractive, with pale skin and dark blue eyes. She hated being around attractive people - she didn't know how to act.

He introduced her to the rest of the band and they began rehearsing. Clementine decided to do a cover of 'Young Lady' by Kid Cudi.

In my head your smile appears, clear
Wish it wasn't my imagination
But in a way with a dream
Your eyes they tell it all, called it
Hope you got a good heart
And you're smart
You got a good head on your shoulders

Young Lady | Tyler, the CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now