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April 11th, 2015

"Excuse me mister, but can you please turn down the lights..."

Clementine watched in amazement as Tyler performed a song from his new album in front of the screaming crowd of fans. It was her first time hearing his music, her first time watching him perform, and she couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was full of energy, bouncing and jumping around stage, and the more she looked, the more hype she felt herself getting.

It was the first weekend of Coachella and she was in euphoria. The music, the fans, the celebrities - everything was new and exciting to her. She'd met many people she'd grown up admiring and wishing to be. It was surreal to her.

As she watched Tyler perform, she kind of regretted her decision not to listen to him earlier. His music was undoubtedly good - different, but certainly still good - and she wished she could sing along with everyone else. She suddenly wondered how they hell she was going to open up for him. She was going to be so boring in comparison to the energetic boy that bounced around stage. He jumped around a lot for someone with asthma.

When he was done, he excitedly clamoured off stage, the staff cheering and giving him slaps on the back as he came backstage. Clementine watched as he greeted everyone, his smile wide as he took off his ear piece.

Sometime during his set, he had taken his shirt off, exposing his chest and abs. Clementine had never really thought about his body before - they had hated each other up until a month ago, and the thought of him naked disgusted her. She was surprised to see that underneath all the colourful shirts and overalls was a six pack. He was still he was sweating from performing, and the lights backstage were hitting him just right. Tyler was glistening, and her thoughts were quickly venturing into things she wasn't high enough to think about.

Tyler looked over at her just then, and his smile a little bit wider. Clementine sent him an awkward wave, making sure to keep her eyes on his face as he approached her.

"So? What did you think?" He slightly pulled on one of her braids.

"You're fucking amazing." She told him honestly. "And I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sooner."

"Really?" Tyler sounded excited. "What was your favorite song?"

Clementine hummed, thinking it over. She liked all of them, honestly. "I don't know the name of it, but you know the one that's like, you remind me of my bimmer was dope."

"I figured you would like that one." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders as they began to leave the tent. "It's one of my favorites."

She blinked in surprise at the motion, trying to pull away, but he gripped her tighter. "Relax. We have to make it look like we're a couple, remember?" He whispered in her ear.

"Yo, lovebirds, cut that shit out." She heard a familiar voice call out to them. Clementine turned to see Jasper walking in their direction with a tall, skinny boy she'd never seen before.

"Shut up, bitch ass nigga." Tyler dapped the two boys up. Clementine tuned out their conversation, letting her eyes wonder around. She spotted a bonfire nearby, and she could see people passing blunts around. Getting high sounded perfect right now. When Rocky disappeared, so did her weed, and her high from earlier was starting to wear off.

"I'll be right back." She told Tyler before walking towards the group of people. Clementine sat down next to a cute light skin boy with dreads, watching as he rolled weed into joint paper.

"You mind of I smoke with you guys?" She asked.

"Hell nah," the boy glanced up from the joint and eyed her up and down. "I don't mind at all."

Young Lady | Tyler, the CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now