The Real Bad Boy

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"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed

I just witnessed the bad boys shoot someone. Oh no they heard me. 

"Oh look its little miss perfect" One of them said. 

"I wonder how Damion is gonna react when he finds out you saw us kill someone" The guy in the middle said.

"I won't tell anyone they will just think im too drunk and im seeing things" I begged.

"How about you come with us" 

And with that I got hit in the head with someone and passed out. Great this is just what I need. And Alyssa is gonna be worried about me now too. FUCK.

"Get up" I heard a voice say.

"Ow what happened and why does my head hurt so bad" I questioned.

"One of my men took it a bit too far. He was just supposed to put the hood over your face and grab you. NOT PISTOL WHIP HER FROGGIE!! How are you Rose I havent seen you in so long" He said.

"Ow, Im confused but ok. Um who are you exactly im kinda drunk" I said calmly

"You will find out eventually but for now go sleep off the drinks. We will talk in the morning" That familiar voice said.

"Wait my Alyssa she will be worried about me" I said scared.

"We texted her off your phone and said you were crashing with your aunt bc she found you at the gas station" He said.

"Oh ok" 

Who is this guy. For some reason his voice is very relaxing. I dont understand why I feel safe around him. Even tho I got pistol whipped according to him. Who have I not seen in a while. I havent seen the people I grew up with in about 4-5 years. I think I might have an idea who he is. I really hope im right.

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