It All Starts From The Beginning

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"ROSE!!! Get down!!!"

Your probably wondering what happened. Well lets start from the beginning.

My name is Rose Moon. Im studying to be a doctor. But you know everyone has to go to the college parties and since im in a sorority I kinda have to go. 

Im one of the most popular girls on campus. And i know that sounds a little high school but everyone knows who i am.

The party was at our sorority house and i was already ready and drinking. People started showing up and within 15 minutes the house was packed.

"Heyyy boys" Alyssa said

Alyssa is my best friend but she is a hoe. Not gonna lie i am at times but i was more focused on drinking tonight. 

Soon enough the "bad boys" arrived. Also the hottest guys on campus. Its funny though bc they dont even go to school here. But nobody cared except for the jocks because they didnt get the girls when the "bad boys" were here. Little did i know they were actual bad boys.

It got so packed i needed some air.

"Hey Alyssa im go get something stronger ill be right back" I said.

"Ok boo be safe" She said going back to dancing.

I walked to the store because it was only a few minutes away. I was 21 so it was ok for me to get the drinks. I mean i was a senior top of my class, head bitch at my sorority, popular and known. I got the alcohol and wanted to take a short cut because i was already pretty fucked up. I took the alley behind the store. Let me tell you when people say stay out of the alleys you should listen because what happened changes my life forever.

A/N What happens that changes Rose forever? Is she ok? 

Hope you guys enjoy this story. I'm running on no sleep and got bored so I decided to make this story:) enjoy yall!

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