The Next Morning

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"Good morning Rose. Im Anara, I live here as well. I brought you some clothes to change into. Also the boss wants you down for breakfast"

 Also the boss wants you down for breakfast"

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I took a shower. Got dressed and headed downstairs

"Good morning Rose"

"Oh my god!! No its not you. It cant be. They told me you died" I screamed and started crying.

"They sold me to another person to pay off their debt. They sold me to a family that couldn't have kids. But they treat me much better then my real parents did. Rose I promise you its me. Its Damion" He said.

I jumped on him and just cried into his shoulder for like 20 mintutes. 

"Rose come on and eat breakfast I have a lot to explain to you" He said with fear in his voice.

And with that he told me everything. That either I join the gang or get killed. That if i chose to join i could finish college and I would work for them as their doctor. That even though most of the people dont have families left being in the gang creates the family. Damion knows I was in and out of foster care til I turned 16. Blah blah blah, just my past. But I did something I never thought I would do. I joined the gang. I got a real leather jacket. It had a wolf on the back. My favorite animal. And my name was on the sleeves with roses. I guess everyone had a custom jacket but they do have real gang jackets.

"Alright lets get you back to your dorm princess" Damion said.

I just nodded. Blushing but confused on why he called me princess.

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