In A Gang

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"Thanks for taking me back here Damion" I said giving him a hug.

"Rose where the hell have you been?!" Alysa yelled tackling me.

"Im ok. An old friend picked me up" 

"Oh, he's cute" She whispered in my ear.

"Ok Alysa we have to go but I'll see you soon I promise. Plus I have one day of college left and I only have one class. I just need to find a residency somewhere" I said.

"I can help you with that. But you will have more work than that" Damion said butting in our conversation.

"What do you mean more work than that..." Alysa said nervously.

"Its nothing to worry about I'm fine Lys. Im gonna go to class. I'll be back to pack my stuff up later" 

"Dont worry about that I'll send AJ to do that. It will be packed and back at the house before your class is over" Damion said and smiled at me.

"Thanks Danny. I'll be back to say goodbye to you Lys don't worry" I said, hugged her and want to class.

Of course class was boring and long but I didn't care. I went to the deans office and got all my papers saying I passed all my college years for doctoring and I was on my way to say goodbye to Lys and then all of a sudden it went black. 

"Well well well what do we have here" Thats the last thing I heard before I passed out again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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