General Kinji Headcanons (With a tiny bit of Tsurukinji)

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-His stole was a gift from one of the nuns who lives at a convent near his church. She'd made it for her nephew, but it was too big for him, so she gave it to Kinji instead

-Said stole has long since faded from white to grey, but Kinji can't bring himself to get rid of it. He keeps it around as a reminder of his Hope's Peak days 

-Kinji always refers to the kids living at the church's orphanage as, 'my kids'. He  can't adopt any of them, because he doesn't want to make the kids feel like he has favourites, but regardless, they're his kids, and he treats them as such

-But a tiny part of him has a favourite. Just one. There's this one little girl, Mizuki, who always follows him around, and cries when he has to go home at the end of the day. He feels like a monster walking back to his car every day, leaving her there to cry

-At Christmas, he'll go raid the toy store and buy mountains of gifts for all of his kids. He loves seeing their little faces light up when they get new toys

-He's way too used to being asked about his stance on homosexuality. Nowadays, whenever anybody asks, he shows them his wedding ring, and tells them he'll ask his husband

-Sometimes, this happens when Tsurugi's there, and some people silently fall into shock when they realise that Tsurugi is Kinji's partner

-He, surprisingly, enjoys bad movies. The so bad, they're good kind, are his favourites

-As are the, so bad, they're terrible, kind. He laughs at bad horror movies

-But good, or even mediocre horror movies scare him shitless. He slept with a bottle of holy water on his nightstand for a week after watching, 'The Nun'

-Kinji, surprisingly, talks a lot about demons with Mikako. She sometimes asks him for help identifying demons from the Christian bible, who are troubling her clients

-Kinji's hair has always been long--He just likes it that way, and sees no reason to get it cut short

-He's a good, pure Christian noodle

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