Kinji X Sick! Tsurugi

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(I'm sorry for putting out more fluffy Tsurukinji crap...I've just had a really bad week, and I needed something to cheer myself up...)

-No way is Tsurugi skipping out on work just because he's sick. But no way is Kinji going to let him go

-Tsurugi insists anyway, until Kinji calls Inori, and tells her to come over and convince his husband that he should not be on patrol with a thirty nine degree fever. Thankfully, she is successful, and Tsurugi begrudgingly agrees to stay at home

-It's another battle convincing him that he needs to stay in bed, rest, and let Kinji take care of everything today, though. Tsurugi is used to caring for and protecting people, most of all Kinji, and he's not too happy about the roles being reversed. He feels pretty useless, being confined to his bed all day

-Kinji tries to make the day tolerable, for him, however. He doesn't make a huge fuss of Tsurugi, because he knows he wouldn't like that, so he keeps him company with lots of cuddles, and by watching their favourite cop drama with him. Kinji's therapist has managed to get him to a point where he can at least see fictional murders without freaking out, provided that they aren't too bad. Plus, Tsurugi loves cop dramas, and always has

-Somehow, Tsurugi manages to fall asleep during an episode. Tsurugi normally tops when they cuddle, but not today, so Kinji just holds him and lets him sleep

-But by the time Tsurugi wakes up, Kinji is asleep. Tsurugi doesn't want to disturb him, so he tries to go back to sleep. He ends up waking him with a really loud sneeze, however, and he ends up apologising a ton for waking him, but Kinji insists that he's fine

-Kinji gets one of the nuns from his church to bring over some leeks, so he can make leek soup for Tsurugi (They grow them in the garden in their convent, but the children don't like leeks much, so they have tons spare)

-Despite Kinji's better judgement, he ends up sharing the bowl with Tsurugi, since he isn't well enough to eat all of it by himself. Kinji's a pretty great cook, but that's to be expected, since he cooks the children's meals with the nuns most days. Plus, he's more of the 'wife' type, according to everyone from their old class, since he handles most of the cooking and housework. It's to the point where everyone calls him 'Tsurugi's wife'

-As night falls, Tsurugi declares that he'll be back on the job tomorrow, but Kinji tells him that's only happening if he's better. To which Tsurugi says, 'Alright, Mr Kinjou', causing Kinji to blush furiously

-Kinji tells him that he'll call Inori, and see what she says, before they go to bed together

-By morning, Tsurugi is better, but Kinji is not. He's caught Tsurugi's cold, much to the policeman's horror...

-'We're taking you to Inori right now...Or, maybe Naoru...Yes, Naoru, dear, we need to get you in the back of her ambulance!'

-Kinji has a hard time convincing him to settle on making a house call for Inori, and letting him rest it off. But that doesn't annoy him much, because he knows that Tsurugi only does it because he loves him

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