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❝You act like we Slytherins put no value on anything that is not dark and deceitful

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❝You act like we Slytherins put no value on anything that is not dark and deceitful. In all the years that you have watched us—taunted us, tried us of our crimes—you never once stopped to see that there is no difference between what makes you and us. Our concept of self-preservation is not just in selfish acts, but the desire to protect the ones we love. Ambition because we want better than our parents planned for us. Cunning because we know the world will not play fair. We are every bit as capable of love and compassion as you.

Have you ever stopped to think that the way you view us has tainted how we view ourselves? That you are part of the problem in why our House has become so 'evil' in the first place? You put us in a corner and provide us with no choice but to believe we belong with the darkness.❞


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