Chapter Twenty-Six: MEDEA

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◤ ❝Death is the beginning of something better.❞ ― Eldrice Nott◢



January 22, 1997

   "Romy. Stop it. Throwing books at the thing won't help any."

"No, but it may fix my urge to blow it up and laugh as it burns."


The sound of a thick book hitting the ground silenced whatever condescending phrase started to come out of Draco's mouth. He was positioned halfway away from the Cabinet now, attention split between the girl on the floor and her current anger management object. The pale-haired boy stopped, his lips setting into a straight line as he looked at the Transfiguration book flipped to a random page and sadly abused. Then, he slowly turned to the abuser of literature in question and raised his eyebrows high at her. Andromeda was seated on the ground, Atlas stirring from the commotion at her side, with a glower burning hotly on her face.

When her dark eyes caught his stone ones, she narrowed them. "Like you haven't thought about it."

"Nearly as much as I've considered throwing you off the Astronomy Tower," he commented dully.

"You'd pitch yourself off after me. Funny one, though, thinking you would survive a day without me," she said expressionlessly, but Draco knew her better than that. After a moment of staring at her with a jutted chin, the smirk could not help itself from growing on her face. She caught his eyes once again and shrugged. "Well, it's true."

"You honestly think I am the one dependent on you?" Draco was baffled now, scoffing as he rolled his eyes. "That is something funny. The best joke you've made in a while."

She snorted, returning back to the lone book in her hands that didn't receive flying lessons. "It certainly isn't the other way around if that is what your tone of surprise suggests. You can barely keep quiet for an hour before you run out of breath looking for a conversation with me. There's not enough air in this room for the two of us."

"Not with your constant badgering―"

"I do not badger―this spell is absolutely stupid, who would even want to conjure a worm out of the ground," she scowled at the page with the Worm-Conjuring spell, then she flicked to next one "―and if there is anyone with a pestering attitude, it's you. Need I remind you, you spent the entirety of last week bugging me to complete your Transfiguration homework."

Draco scowled at her and moved the distance across the room, sitting directly in front of where her outstretched legs were and moving them to the side. "I believe you were the one hounding your cousin to finish your Transfiguration homework, were you not?"

"Difference is," Mia's stare flickered to where his fingers had briefly held onto her ankle then back to his eyes, "Theodore is actually good at Transfiguration, and more importantly, he likes the subject. If you had asked me to complete your History homework, or Charms, or Defense, or anything but damned Transfiguration, maybe I would have considered being kinder in my charity work."

"You wouldn't have done it, even then."

"You know me so well," she shot him a sarcastic smile before she turned the book around so that it was facing him. "What about this? Epps goes over duel-magic transferring to fix the components of an object. Two sets working together to repair separate items that would not be fixed otherwise."

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