Chapter Thirty-Two: ORPHEUS

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◤ ❝Does it terrify you to think of how similar we can be?❞ ― Andromeda Erebus ◢



April 2, 1997

       "Abintus Enimde."

Two sparks of blue flashed in the Room of Requirements, and the accusers watched with unimpressed stares as the Cabinet in front of them stayed just as ugly and frustratingly-broken as it was the last twenty spells they'd tried before. Although, Draco Malfoy and Andromeda Erebus would be lying if they said that particular spell gained special care from them. They were lying down on the dusty, old rug when they aimed their wands at the Cabinet. Draco was on his back and Andromeda using his chest as a cushion, making a perfect 'T' with their bodies. It didn't help that Mia had blindly pointed her wand when she tried the spell, her face covered by a different book she'd checked out earlier in the week. Madam Pince barely batted an eyelash and only rejoiced in her enthusiasm to read so much over the break.

Draco stared blankly at the Cabinet for a few minutes. "This is pathetic."

"This is pitiful, is what it is," she huffed out from underneath the book, frowning when it disappeared as Draco's fingers reached to pull it off. Her eyes adjusted to the light, and once they had, she tilted her head slightly to look over at the Cabinet as well. "Looks the bloody same to me. May as well have just thrown my book at it."

"Should've let Atlas have a piss on it. 'Least it would have some use to someone."

The two of them were quiet for a while, brooding at the Cabinet which had caused their Easter holiday (and their entire sixth year, if they were honest) to be the bane of their existence. Quite literally. Draco's hand fell off his wand and moved to fiddle anxiously with a piece of Mia's hair splayed on his white polo, curling the wavy piece around his fingers. She didn't even notice, too busy digging the palms of her hands into her eyes to try and ease the growing migraine. After a few minutes, her hands fell loudly to her side and called Draco's attention.

"What aren't we thinking of?" she asked, her jaw tightening as she grew irritated. "We've gone through nearly every possible Reparation spell that has been practiced since Merlin himself. The spells we thought needed to be cast together, we've tried those and failed―binding spells, duel-magic, all of it―" she scowled at the damned thing as she spoke "―how is it possible for the Weasel twins to have rightly fucked up something so much that not a damn thing on this miserable Earth can fix it?"

Draco scoffed. "Apart from being blood traitors, one of their few talents, it seems, is ruining things."

Another cast of silence fell upon them. Draco could tell that Mia was thinking. Usually when she found herself intertwined deep with her thoughts, they were loud enough that he could sense the strife they were causing her. That, and the familiar crease between her eyebrows that he'd recognized when she was thinking appeared on her face. He frowned, his head shifting slightly so that he could see the side of her face.

"Your thoughts are deafening," he said, tugging slightly on the piece of hair he had wrapped around his hands. "Out with it before I start practicing Legilimency."

She waited a few seconds, her mouth molding around the words. When she realized that there was no way to say her thoughts out loud easily, she gave up and just spoke. "...if we fail to repair the Cabinet, what does that mean for us?"

His hand stilled on her hair, the piece falling flat just as his chest did. When Mia could no longer feel the rise and fall of his breathing, she pulled herself up into a sitting position and moved next to his lying figure. He watched her for a few seconds, his hand falling on the exposed flesh of her thigh where her skirt ended. She was surprised that her body didn't jump at the contact, but welcomed it with as much as it could be. He slid up slowly, his face absent of any emotion that would indicate what he was going to say back to her. Then, just when she thought that he never would reply, he turned to look over at her. The first thing she recognized was the hesitancy in his grey eyes.

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