Time passed fairly quickly for the host club. Makoto waiting for the other members. One by one the hosts walked through the door.
"Hi Mako-chan!" Said Honey hugging Makoto.
"Makoto, hello" said Mori with a smile.
Makoto smiled at both hosts and waved. She sat at one of the couches and talked with Honey and Mori.
Kyoya, Tamaki, the twins, and Haruhi came through the door at the same time. They all were talking and didn't notice Makoto. Makoto looked at them and snuck up behind them. She tip-toed and grinned darkly.
"Boo!" Makoto yelled and all the hosts expect Kyoya, Honey, and Mori yelled. The twins grabbed into each other and yelled. Haruhi yelled and started fading away. Tamaki yelled in a high pitched voice and fainted dramatically. Kyoya eyes were wide but no one noticed expect Makoto who chuckled to herself.
"Makoto you scared us!" Yelled Tamaki who was crying in his corner. Makoto shrugged her shoulders and walked over to Haruhi and smiled.
"Don't you fade away Haruhi!" Makoto said and kissed Haruhi's forehead. Haruhi pouted and blushed slightly.
"Mako... you're embarrassing me!" Haruhi said while laying her head by Makoto's neck. Makoto lifted Haruhi's chin up and grinned. "That's not what you said last night when you were squirming under me..." (I thought I should something similar to the twins, if you like this and would lile me to continue this please tell me in the comments! UPDATE: I HAVE A COUPLE SMALL PARTS INCLUDING THE "ROMANCE" BETWEEN THEM. JUST LIKE THE TWINS)
The hosts looked at them and blushed. The devil twins looked at each other and blushed even more. Haruhi and Makoto grinned.
"What's wrong boys?" Makoto started off.
"Are you perhaps-" Haruhi continued.
"Intrigued?" They both finished and flashed at cute smile at the hosts.
Tamaki's face went super red. Kyoya was blushing and writing in his death note furiously. Mori's face was slightly red but succeeded in trying to hide it. Honey's eyes were on his cake. Hikaru was wide-eyed and glancing at Kaoru. Kaoru was blushing and staring at Makoto. Hikaru smiled knowing his brother fell for Haruhi's twin.
"Makoto. I've decided to assign you as the Singer Type. If you want to change that type, you can talk to me and we'll figure something out." Kyoya said and closed his book.
The hosts heard a knock on the door and got into their position. Makoto walked over to them and tilted their head in confusion. Tamaki pulled Makoto next to him and smiled. The door opened wide and Makoto remember, she didn't have the Ouran uniform on! She sighed and noticed Kyoya who was signaling her into an empty room.
"Here, I know you won't want to wear the yellow dress so I modified the boy's outfit." Kyoya said and handed her the same outfit as the boys but instead of pants, it was a skirt.
They both walked out together and walked over to Tamaki and his guests.
"May I have your attention please? Today we are having a new and first hostess who will start class tomorrow! Here's Makoto, the Singer Type!" Tamaki said and Makoto bowed.
"Please take care of me and I might give you something in return." Makoto said with a smile at first then grinned. Many of the girls looked at her in fascination. Most of the girls were blushing and asking questions.
"Is Makoto going to be hosting with Haruhi?"
"Will Makoto and Haruhi have a forbidden relationship?"
"Is she single?"
Makoto smiled at the comments and faced Tamaki.
"Do you want to host with Haruhi?" Tamaki asked
"I'll host with Haruhi and see if I want to continue hosting with her or if I want to host alone."
Makoto walked over to Haruhi and smiled. She looked at the girls across Haruhi.
"Hello princesses..." Makoto said and a sly grin.
This caused the whole room of girls to blush and squeal.
'Here we go again...'
*Guess who got an idea? Me! I hope you guys enjoy my new idea and my book. Thank you so much for reading.
Don't forget to vote and comment!

Haruhi's Secret (OHSHC Fanfic)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Haruhi has been part of the host club for a while now but what happens when Haruhi isn't acting like herself? What if the hosts realize that she's acting differently? Will she tell them the reason why or will she keep it to herself? Find...